Direct Link to any page of
Why Nurses Leave the Bedside is encouraged. Please Do!!!
This webstudy is authored, constructed
and maintained by Cynthia Swope. Along with native text, it provides portions
and parts of data, graphs, documents, research abstracts, archived
interactive subject discussion, as well as other resources relevant to
the subject with which it deals and substantiating the hypothesis it provides.
All non-native text and data is identifiable by quotations surrounding,
and the direct URL to the source in which it occurs is provided. Images
are collected from a variety of sources including but not limited to many
university archives, The Library of Congress, nursing history websites,
nurse subject webpages, the nurse pages mounted by the American military,
hospital archived images, commercial sites involved in the sale of nurse
associated items, nurse uniform history pages, and the cataloguing and
or sale of nurse subject books from the pulp fiction era. Unfortunately,
computor problems caused many of my source citations for images to be lost.
I am going through trying to refind and identify all so that each
are directly linked to their source pages, viewable by clicking directly
on them.
For purposes of accurate citation
and flow to the content involved in the subject matter, the identification
of source provider for the images presented and, also, to further
this site's presence as resource to nurses and those who study them, direct
linking to any page of Why Nurses Leave the Bedside is encouraged .
Because of the great effort expended
in this website's mounting, and for purposes of accurate sourcing in any2nd
generation reference to the primary data herein, as well as the identification
of image sources, any other use must include a citation providing URL to
the page utilized and the following source identification:
" 'The Nursing Shortage. Why Nurses
Leave the Bedside; A Bedside RN's Perspective'. A Web Resource. By
Cynthia Swope. "