HMOs and Their CEO Salaries
The Health Administration  Responsibility Project "a resource for patients, doctors, and attorneys seeking to establish the liability of HMOs, Managed Health Care Organizations, and Nursing Facilities for the consequences of their decisions. " shows the 1996 25 Highest Paid HMO Executives 1996 Annual Compensation Exclusive of Unexercised Stock Options , and at the top of the list is Oxford [$29,061,599 EXCLUSIVE of unexercised stock options] while at the bottom is Foundation Health Corporation  [$2,104,414 EXCLUSIVE of unexercised stock options] . The 25 executives with the largest unexercised stock option packages in 1996 had stock options valued at $337.4 million.  The average value of unexercised stock options for these 25 executives was $13.5 million.  The median unexercised stock option package for these executives was over $7.2 million.
HMO Executive Salaries  Reprinted from FAMILIES USA

"On average, CEOs for HMOs and other health care companies receive two thirds more compensation than their counterparts in other industries, according to the Crystal Report on Executive Compensation. In studying compenssation packages for over 1, 500 CEOs, Crystal found that the people at the top of HMOs and health care companies live better than CEOs in the consumer, pharmaceutical, and finance industries...The average adjusted compensation for all CEOs in an industry was...compared with the baseline. " CEOs in HMOs/health care receive 66% more than Crystal's baseline
" Compensation Monitor: Health Care Executives most highly Compensated" [MANAGED CARE  "A guide for managed care executives and physicians..." May 1999

"According to an editorial in today's New England Journal of Medicine, for-profit hospitals provide lower quality care while charging higher prices than not-for profit facilities. The editorial, which accompanies a study on the impact of investor-ownership on Medicare costs, comes just three weeks after the publication of research showing that investor-owned HMOs scored lower on every single one of 14 quality measures and spent 48 percent more on overhead  and profits than not-for-profit HMOs...'The editorial and study conclusively demonstrate - if there was any doubt left -- that marketplace medicine is a failed experiment,'  says Dr. Quentin Young, National Coordinator, Physicians for a National Health Program and an internist in Chicago. 'We have 45 million people without any insurance and 125,000 additional people losing their insurance every month. Every day there's more bad news about how rotten our health system is - prices rising, quality falling, and, just this month, an additional 250,000 seniors being  dumped from Medicare HMOs.'." From For-Profit Hospitals Deliver Inferior Care at Inflated Prices and Cost Medicare an Extra $5.2 Billion Annually. Presented in the Connecticutt Coalition for Universal Healthcare Webpages

"HMO executives have piled up truly extraordinary sums of money for themselves. Even if we accept the industry's argument that executive compensation is a result of stunning new  management techniques and the elimination of inefficiencies, the money in the executives' pockets formerly was spent on health care. " The Robber Barons of Health Care found in Chapter 4  [ The Financial Sting ó Paying More For Less] in  the Book " Making a Killing "  by Jamie Court & Francis Smith (With a foreward by Ralph Nader)
Table 2 in source shows  that Stephen Wiggins,  CEO of Oxford Health Care earned $30,735,093  in 1997  , the year his company crumbled.  See Table 1 and 2 in source above for more outrageous figures.
Academy Health, an impresive organization contributing methodology, research and literature, states it is dedicated to Health services research and informs "

"It's a myth private for-profit health care results in better quality health care. A 1999 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded for-profit  U.S. health maintenance organizations (HMOs) rated lower than not-for-profit HMOs on all 14 quality indicators by the National Committee for Quality  Assurance.
It is also a myth for-profit hospitals and services are cheaper and more efficient than public ones. The New England Journal of Medicine concludes that in decades of research, no peer-reviewed study found for-profit hospitals are less expensive. For-profit  hospitals cost more to operate and spend far more on administration." Western Catholic Reporter Week of March 18, 2002 Take the price tag off medicare By BISHOP FRED HENRY