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1 Barbara [Maria Barbara] [Anna Maria Barbara] EICHELBERGER1,2,3,4,5
Children of Maria Eichelberger and Andrew (Andreus) HOKE [Surnamed HOKE) :
Sources For This Page
Eichelberger Geneology Webpages, mounted byJoAnn Eichelberger Bauer
[ jebauer@mymtnhome.com] . This is part of a meticulously sourced
and collaborative Eichelberger website found on line and extremely
valuable to Eichelberger research.URL to this family group is [http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jodiem/Philip.Fred'k.Fm.Grps.2.htm#Eich.P.F.1693].
Children with detail are alloted their own pages, and own sources and the
reader is encouraged to access this site for the data.
*Sources for this family group [Phillip
Frederick Eichelberger and wife/children, given at end of page presenting
family are [again, each child researched contains their OWN page and sources
in addition] : 1. Canfield, Clifford R.; My German (Swiss/French?)
Ancestors VI: (Phllippi, Eichelberger And Allied Families); Published independently
by Clifford R. Canfield; 1997. [reprinted with permission of the author
08-17-99] 2. Records of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, PA. 3. York
County, PA. Court House: a) Unrecorded Will of Philip Fred'k. Eichelberger;
dtd. 05 Feb 1776; probate 02 Oct 1776. b) Book H;110 : Will of Magdalena
Eichelberger, dtd. 17 Nov 1789; probated 30 Apr 1790. 4. Pennsylvania Archives,
2nd Series; Vol. IX; p. 139: marriage of Anna Margaretha and Hans George
Noes. 5. Eichelberger, A. W., Philip Frederick Eichelberger and his descendants
- 1693 - 1900; genealogical record; p. 4; biographical section, p. 19 (Smyser
family).6. The Private Record of Jacob Lischy, V.D.M. 1743-1769; Translation;
pp. 80; 130.
2. Church
Records: Adams, Berks & Lancaster Counties, Pennsylvania 1729-1881
[Genforum library]
Date: Jun 27, 1762
Event: Baptism
Record ID: 133167
Relation: Sponsor
Location: Adams Co., PA
Church: Lutheran Record, Adams Co.,
Remark: Maria Clara daughter of
Hoch and Maria Barbara. Sponsors: Conrad Schwob and Maria
Clara.[The sponsors were parents of Adam SWOPE who would marry the
daughter of Maria Clara HOCH[ the child and future mother being baptized]
3.. Biography
of A W Eichelberger
as found in York County, Pennsylvania Biographical
History [database online]. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data:
Edit: Gibson, John. History of York County, Pennsylvania. Chicago: F.A.
Battey Publishing Co., 1886. [Ancestry.com. Library]. This bio on his great
grandson A W yields information on the subject's great grandfather,
Our Phillip Friederich EICHELBERGER and A
W Eichelberger's bio is given its own page for its geneological and
historical merit to other researchers. .
4. Fillmore
K. Spangler III, ìThe Spangler Family Genealogy Page,î http://www.spanglers.info/
mainpage when sought in Nov 2002, http://www.txdirect.net/~spangler/ when
viewed 120800, spangler@txdirect.net. [ See also sources numbered 9
and 10 upon which this site sometimes
relies in these early American generations and where this entry is also
5. ìThe Hoke
Family,îGedcom from Jack Hoke in which some entries are sourced to the
book which follows. This source should be considered as Gedcom recieved
from Jack Hoke April 2001. Loose reference for some entries may include
the tome "In the Name of God Almighty, Amen. I ... HOKE Bequeath"
Jean A. Berlekamp/Hope L. McConnell, compilers. Echo Press, Green
Springs, OH, 1980 . Jack HOKE is a frequent contributor to Hoke forums
and a longtime researcher of the lines, and his generosity in sharing his
data is greatly appreciated. In the absence of secure and firm documentation
to the worthy tome mentioned above in which to compare data and primary
source, entries sourced to this footnote # must be considered unverified
but probable.
6. The Private Record of Jacob Lischy, V.D.M. 1743-1769; 15 Jan 1743 [baptised lancaster, see baptism entry].Source also cited in group citation source #1 herein
7. Emily Swope Morse and Winifred Morse McLachlan, "The Swope Family Book of Remembrance", produced in 300 limited editions1972.Volume II.
8. [ bef 10 Mar 1817
Jeffersontown, Jefferson Co., KY.. Administration of the Estate of Barbara
Hoke was granted Mar.10, 1817 to Jacob Hoke.]. cited by Jack Hoke
in Gedcom download 042701, Jack HOKE is a frequent contributor
to Hoke forums and a longtime researcher of the lines
9. Edward
W. Spangler, The Annals of the Families of Caspar, Henry, Baltzer and George
Spengler, York, Pennsylvania: The York Daily Publishing Co., 1896.,
p 324. [Genforum Library]
10. . "Maria
Clara HOKE." The Spengler Families 1150-1196, viewed by D M Swope, Appears
to be the Annals of the Spengler family, given own footnote 9
herein which was viewed by me, page 40
11. Edward W Spangler of York, Pa is sourced by Gilbert E Swope on page 381 of his book The Swope Family 1676-1896 in reference to Lydia Spangler. Gilbert states Edward ìhas written a very compete history of that family from which the (above) is takenî. Lydia Spangler's ascendancy is then included.
12. Will abstract
of Henry SPENGLER. Maria Clara Hoke (1762-1818) appears as Clara in her
husbandís will abstract
13. Philip Frederick
Eichelberger.Info from ìFamily is where it all begins,îwebpage by
Gary Welker ©1999-2001. ,Detail on Eichelberger, URL for same [http://home.att.net/~cnev/np41.html]
Sourced at Location- sources cited are: Eichelberger, A. W., Philip
Frederick Eichelberger and his descendants - 1693 - 1900; Hanover Press,
1901; genealogical record p. 68; biographical section, p. 142-3., American
Volunteer (newspaper of Carlisle, PA.); Marriage notice of Fred'k. Eichelberger
"of the Senate" and Catharine Baker., Pennsylvania Vital Records; Vol.
II; p. 637: Frederick Eichelberger Esq. m. Catharine Baker 29 Sep 1821;
published The Lancaster Journal., Records of Franklin Cem., Franklin Twp.,
York Co., PA.; transcript: a) Col. Frederick, d. at Frederick MD. 05 Sep
1836; age 53-7-11., b) Margaret Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick & Catherine,
dts. as above, d. age 8-5-22. c) Catharine Baker, wf. of Frederick, dts.
as above; "d. in her 88th year"., EICHELBERGER LEONARD York County PA 193
Monaghan Township Federal Population Schedule PA 1810 Federal Census Index
4. ìLink to source on Web:,î unsourced
GEDCOM http://www.8ung.at/dkolb/dat165.htm#10.
14. ìThe Hoke Family,îGedcom from Jack Hoke received april 2001. Jack Hoke is a frequent contributor to Hoke forums and a longtime researcher of the lines
Magdelena EICHELBERGER's Will Date: 17 Nov 1789 Prove Date: 30 Apr 1790
Remarks: Eichelberger, Magdalena. Nov. 17, 1789. Executor: Jacob
Eichelberger. Hanover Township.
Children: Ludwick, Jacob and Leonard.
Grandchildren: Gloria, Barbara, and Elizabeth
Hoke, children of Andrew Hoke, mother's name not given; Catharine
Smyser, daughter of Jacob Smyser,
mother's name not given; Frederick and
Magdalena Eichelberger, children of Ludwick.
Lineages, Inc., comp. York County, Pennsylvania
Wills, 1749-1819. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original
data: York County Wills.
Originals housed at the York County Archives.
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