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Children of James McCURDY married Martha MOORE:
The 1810 census for Cumberland tsp does not , inexplicably, yield any McCurdys. is the source Incomplete? (Ancestry.com subscription). Robert, his father died in this year, and by will gave his sons each 1/3 of the estate. SOME McCurdy should be evident.
The 1820 Census
for Adams Co., Penna, Cumberland twp., shows a Martha MíCurday, in details
of household, numbers shown 3-1-1 (columns 7, 8, and 10...that is
column 7 reads 3, column 8 reads 1 and column 10 reads 1) corresponding
according to Ancestryís extraction data to Number of Free White
Females under 10, (3) Number of Free White Females 11-16 (1) and
Free White Females 26-45 including Heads of Family (1) .
This then would correspond to Martha (the
one woman 36-45), three girls under 10 (Margaret, Ani [name extracted from
1850 census and hard to read there] and Nancy. It also provides one
female 11-16 who is not yet identified. It neglects HOH James and the two
sons. No other details on the family are provided
Martha is not, in contrast to other women
known as widows, named as such.
Birth: 1810, Adams County, Penna-Probably
At Her Fatherís Cabin On The McCurdy Farm9
Death: 30 Sep 1854, Adams County,
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg,
Adams County, PA
Resided : SW corner of S baltimore
and Breckridge Street; The original bldg is at 301-303 Baltimore, image
of same below.
Historical Context and Getysburg
Battle Factoid :
aaaaa | a
Painting of Confederate Sharpshooters who
built a barricade across Baltimore St. at Breckinridge St, firing toward Cemetery Hill. Painting by Don Troia. Image from Gettysburg Photo Album The Borough: Civilian Experience in Town Page8. Below is a photo from same page. Photo by Don Worth, UCLA. ![]() |
Newspaper entry (the Compiler) states: "James Pierce married Margaret McCurdy, daughter of James and Martha Moore McCurdy, Married on 11 Aug 1835". Daughter Margaretís marriage with parents listed from Republican Compiler, newspaper of era and so secure. Besides this, her father lies buried with her on her married family plot in Evergreen.
*Daughter Ami is a presumed daughter found
as an unmarried adult female in census
of 1850 living with John Adam Swopeís family along with James McCURDY's
widow Martha [Moore] McCURDY, and Martha and Jamesí other daughter
Nancy (married John Adam Swope) . Therein this Ann or Ami is identified
as 34, female, born Penna. Her first name is very
hard to read, but she is clearly entered a McCurdy born in Penna. She could,
perhaps, be a wife to a McCurdy male, perhaps one of James
and Marthaís sons, but the two known sons, James and John (whose wife is
known leaving only James as a possibility, and that remote) , both removed
to Indiana and this possiblity seems remote but worthy of comment. Her
name is hard to make out, looks to be Ami-34, shows clearly she was born
Penna. The only evidence of this Ann or Ami is in the census of 1850 when
she is living with Nancy McCURDY, her presumed sister, and her presumed
sister's husband John Adam SWOPE. Present as well, as stated just previous,
is Martha McCURDY, Nancy [nee McCURDY] Swope's mother.
ìMíCurdy, Nancy of Gettysburg married Swope,
John on 27 feb 1845î18
ìOn Thursday last by the Rev Professor
Baugher Mr. John A Swope to Miss Nancy McCurdy, all of Gettysburg.î19
Daughter Nancy Moore McCurdyís marriage
was announced in Republican Compiler, with parents mentioned. She is also
present in all family notes, and in family pictures with other family members.
She was probably born in the cabin her
father built out the Emmitsburg Road and in Cumberland Township, and which,
according to historians at the Adams County Historical Society, still exists,
and is now an antique shop, although I could not find it. This is supposed
to be before Marsh Creek. The lands of her father were parcelled
out in three bundles to his sons, and James, the youngest, inherited the
farm lands west of old Route 15. There is a schoolhouse called the McCurdy
Schoolhouse out the emmitsburg Road which is a now an abode. This was on
the familyís farmlands and likewise is on the west side of Old 15. I couldnít
find the antique shop, and will need to drive the stretch again to locate
it. Nancy Moore McCURDY is assuredly Secure and Direct.
Spouse: John Adam ìJohnî SWOPE20,21
Children [detail on each children available by general Children link] :
1.5 James [possible son under research] McCURDY11
Both James and his purported brother
John are from Historical Geneology of the McCurdy Family, a compendium
written 1917 and nearing contemporaneous for these entries, based, apparantly,
on word from descendants encompassed in the text, and the work of the Compiler
(D. E. McCurdy) 4
This source does not provide hard geneological
data, but is within living memory of the correspondants to compiler and
can be considered possible but not proven. Birth date for John in source
corresponds to birthdate for Margaret, but Margaretís birthdate is based
on DAR records and so can not be considered absolute.
From Hist Geneology, a compendium from 1917: ìJames McCurdy, the youngest son of Robert's, married and had two sons: John; James. Both of them went to New Albany, Indiana and located there but later James removed to Brazil, Indiana. î13
Sources for James McCURDY married Martha MOORE
1. Will Abstract Robert
"Abstracts of Adams County, Pennsylvania
Wills (1800-1826)" Kevin L Greenholt. Family Line Publications. 1988
Robert McCURDY, Cumberland Twp, sick,
Children: William, Robert, Nancy PAXTON, James, Margaret w/o George SHEKELY,
Martha w/o Samuel TAGGART, Mary w/o Robert THOMPSON, grandson: Robert McCurdy
PAXTON. Exec: Sons William, Robert. WItnesses: Robert HAYES, David HORNER,
Robert MAJOR. Written: 5 Aug 1805 probate 25 May 1810. Son.
2. ìAdams County Sentinel
(Centinel) -Spelling varies at Historical Society-mostly Sentinel,î Adams
County Newspaper published Gettysburg, Sited by the Adams county historical
society in mcCurdy file, 11/27/1822 newspaper stating ìDied Sat Am last
Saturday last, James M'Curdy, Cumberland twp.î no further info.
3. Adams County Newspaper
ìThe Republican Compiler,î 27 Nov 1822 edition. , transcribed Online,
but this entry may also mean viewed ADAMS Co Historical Society by this
writer in theirr Microfilm library. Online transcription available at [http://www.rootsweb.com/~paadams/nxpdeath.htm,
OF THE McCURDY FAMILY, compiled prior to 1917 and published by the author.,
Work is Compiled letters unverified by hard data, Written and compiled
by D. E. McCurdy Copied by Patricia (McCurdy) Townsend, Lubec, Maine 1994,
5. Family Notes from
D M Swope-research and interviews. 1789 by family records, it appears
by Obit and census she was born 1787 or 1788.
6. Frederick County Backgrounds-Marriage
Records of United Churches of Tomís Creek and Piney Creek Presbyterian
Churches, marriages by Rev Davidson, B F M McPherson under
pseudonym of Samuel Carrick, her Ancestor, Articles published in the Chronicle
Newspaper, Emmitsburg Md, in the 1930s and 1940s, Caveat Emptor proviso
in relation to the family history quality of the data by source transcriber
Steve Gilland, Accesable via GenForum Library In larger file called
Family History: Colonial Families of Maryland, 1600s-1900s, Page 27-Marriage
Records of the Rev Davidson, ìNov 24 1808. James McCurdy to Martha MOOREî.
7. Historical Sketch
of the Presbyterian Churches of Emmitsburg and Piney Creek, William Simonton,
Paster, The Congregation; Printer J. E. Wible, Corner Wash/ North Streets
Gettysburg 1876, Delivered to the Piney Creek Church July 27 1876, Cited
at Adams County Historical Society in McCurdy and allied lines, with publication
present in ACHS library.
8. ìLetters in the McCurdy
File from fellow researchers,î Adams County Historical Society, Gettysburg,
Penna. McCurdy file.
9. ìDAR Lineage Books
Volume 90,î DAR ID Number 89340, Accessible via DAR Lineage Books
Search on line (www.Ancestry.com), Mrs Matilda Pierce (Wife of Horace Alleman),
page 111.
10. ìThe Republican
Compiler,î Adams County Newspaper, On line, but this entry may also mean
viewed ADAMS Co Historical Society by this writer in thier Microfilm library,.
Online transcription available at http://www.rootsweb.com/~paadams/nxpdeath.htm.
OF THE McCURDY FAMILY, compiled prior to 1917 and published by the author.,
Work is Compiled letters unverified by hard data, Written and compiled
by D. E. McCurdy Copied by Patricia (McCurdy) Townsend, Lubec, Maine 1994,
http://members.tripod.com/~quoddybelle/HisGenMcCurdy.html, DESCENDANTS
12. This is a collection
of family letters pertaining to their geneology, many dated from close
of 19th Century, Compiled and Written by Edward Elbridge Salisbury and
Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury New Haven, ConnecticutÝ, Copyrighted and Privately
Printed in 1892, Edited and Updated regularly by Patti Anne McCurdy, Ottawa,
Ontario, 1998, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pattianne/history/.
OF THE McCURDY FAMILY, compiled prior to 1917 and published by the author.,
Work is Compiled letters unverified by hard data, Written and compiled
by D. E. McCurdy Copied by Patricia (McCurdy) Townsend, Lubec, Maine 1994,
http://members.tripod.com/~quoddybelle/HisGenMcCurdy.html, DESCENDANTS
14. Link to source on
web http://www.michaelscottcaldwell.com/genealogy/mccurdy/robert.html.
15. Gilbert Ernest Swope,
The Swope Family 1676-1896, T.B. & H.B Cochran, Publishers, 1898. page
16. Family Notes from
D M Swope-research and interviews. Notes give dates of 1818-appears
disputed by census in which she would have been born 1820/21. DM was intimate
with Nancy's son Sam.
17. ìCensus listing.î
1850 Gettysburg, Adams Co, Penna shows she is 29, 1870 census she is 49.
18. ìAdams County Sentinel
(Centinel) -Spelling varies at Historical Society-mostly Sentinel,î Adams
County Newspaper published Gettysburg, Sited by the Adams county historical
society in mcCurdy file, 3 march 1845 edition.
19. ìThe Republican
Compiler,î Adams County Newspaper, 3 march 1845 edition. On line, but this
entry may also mean viewed ADAMS Co Historical Society by this writer in
thier Microfilm library. Online transcription available at http://www.rootsweb.com/~paadams/nxpdeath.htm
20. Gilbert Ernest Swope,
The Swope Family 1676-1896, T.B. & H.B Cochran, Publishers, 1898. pages
75 & 89.
21. ìCensus listing.î
Gettysburg Borough, Adams Co, Penna Enumerated Aug 23.
22. Scholarly eval of Tillie Pierce, who
wrote a young girlís account of the battle of Gettysburg: http://www.gdg.org/tallman.html
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for James McCURDY married Martha MOORE