1. Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family,
Philadelphia, PN: The Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL,
p 23.
2. The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol.
1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original
data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4,
1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
3. Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some prominent
Virginia families. Lynchburg, Va.?: J.P. Bell, 1907
4. Ibid. aft 1645/6 [underage at time of dad's
5. "of Va and Phila."
Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family, Philadelphia, PN: The
Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL, p 24
6. The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol.
1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original
data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4,
1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
7. Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys
: an essay in genealogy. " Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
8. Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family,
Philadelphia, PN: The Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL
9. "1670."
Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys : an essay in genealogy.New
York"Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
10. "1670 or 1690"
Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some prominent Virginia families. Lynchburg,
Va.?: J.P. Bell, 1907
11. Ibid. 1764.
12. "after 1713"
Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys : an essay in genealogy. "
Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
13."the Elder, of Warwick County, Va".
Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some prominent Virginia families. Lynchburg,
Va.?: J.P. Bell, 1907
14. "Of Windmill Point".
Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys : an essay in genealogy. "
Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
15. "Miles CARY"
Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some prominent Virginia families. Lynchburg,
Va.?: J.P. Bell, 1907
16. "Captain Miles Cary."
Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys : an essay in genealogy. "
Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
17. "of Warwick Co, Va [Will book I , page
Pecquet du Bellet, Louise. Some prominent Virginia families. Lynchburg,
Va.?: J.P. Bell, 1907
18. "Of Potash Creek".
Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys : an essay in genealogy. "
Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
19. Entry from unsourced family tree at http://www.advsolutions.com/carey/miles1671.htm
naming Source: Info on this line comes from
Deb Bowman: Tealblue866@cs.com Burial: 1724 Warwick, Va. This information,
unless stated otherwise, has NOT been verified in primary or secondary
sources. Use with caution.
20. The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol.
1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original
data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4,
1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
21. Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family,
Philadelphia, PN: The Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL,
p 23, 24.
22. Unproven but probable dtr, see narrative
Harrison, Fairfax. " The Virginia Carys : an essay in genealogy.New
York"Published New York. Publisher: De Vinne. 1919.
Author: Harrison, Fairfax 1869-1938.
23. The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol.
1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original
data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4,
1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
24. "about 1680 Va."
Webpages of Peggy Hooper hooperhous@earthlink.net, "My Roots - Peggy
Hooper," http://www.gencircles.com/users/peggy/3/,
Beautiful site, many primary sources, sources for individual entries not
really sourced but seem substantiated by primary sources in other locations
throughout this lovingly done and scholarly website
25. Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family,
Philadelphia, PN: The Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL
26. The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol.
1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original
data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4,
1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
27. Quaker record cited in The Valentine Papers,
Vol 1-4, 1864-1908
Woodson Family. Record Book of Henrico County Monthly Meeting of Friends
Curles Meeting House 9th 7mo 1718 . Joseph Woodson , Elizabeth Woodson
, Tarleton Woodson , Richd. Faris, Sr. , Edward Mosby , Mary Mosby &
others witnesses to the marriage of Robert Jordan Sr. to Dorothy Pleasants
, widow of John Pleasants of Henrico Co.
[Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward
Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine
Museum., circa 19xx]
28. Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family,
Philadelphia, PN: The Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL,
p 23 p 10.
29. mentioned as son John, born of Jane in
the Will of John Pleasants of Curles [given below], written 27th September
1690/ Codicil May 1697 [The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908.
[database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward
P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908.Richmond,
VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx. ]
"John Pleasants , will of; In the name of God,
Amen-the 27th September 1690 , I John Pleasants of Curle in ye County of
Henrico being of good & perfect remembrance praise be given to Almighty
God & knowing that naturally I am born to dye & to pass from this
Mortall World & transitory life; and minding to put in order as well
of all and singular my lands goods & chattles wch it hath pleased God
to lend me & bestor upon me also to declare how I have disposed the
same to ye intent there should be nor strife in or about them after my
decease; And first I will that all those Debts wch I shall owe unto any
pson or psons at ye time of my decease be well and truly emtented &
paid with in convenient time. Item, I give grant & bequeath unto John
Pleasants my son born of ye body of my dear & loving wife Jane Pleasants
, formerly ye wife & extrx. of Saml. Tucker decd, all that plantacon
or dividend of land whereon I now dwell called Curles , containing by estimacon
three hundred Acres wch sd Plantacon was by me purchased of William Cookson
, and for ye better assurance thereof made over and conveyed to me by William
Beauchamp as heir at law to his brother John Beauchamp , decd; as also
I give unto my sd son John Pleasants all that plantacon or divident of
land by me purchased of Phillip Ludwell called Timber Slash being by Pattent
Nine hundred Acres be ye same more or less; as also I give unto my son
John my part of a tract of land lately taken up between ye John Woodson
's, Henry Rawing & myself the whole tract being about seven hundred
Acres one half part thereof being mine called half link? All wch sd plantacon
tracts or dividends of land above menconed I give devise & bequeath
with their appurtenances unto my sd son John Pleasants & unto ye heirs
of his body forever & for lack of such issue I give ye sd lands with
their appurtenances unto my son Joseph Pleasants born also of ye body of
my dear & loving wife Jane Pleasants & for lack of such issue unto
my daughter Eliza. Pleasants born likewise of ye body of my dear &
loving wife Jane Pleasants & to both their heirs for ever; for lack
of such issue unto my bro. Samll. Pleasants & to his heirs for ever,
& for lack of such heirs unto my bro. Benja. Pleasants & to ye
heirs of his body for ever & for lack of such issue unto my bro. Tho.
Pleasants & to ye heirs of his body for ever & for lack of such
issue to ye next right heir of me ye sd John Pleasants ye father forever.
Also I give & bequeath unto my sd Son John Pleasants three young breeding
mares (besides those formerly given to him) with their increase both male
and female for ever, wch my mind and will is should be delivered by my
exerx. (hereafter named) within twelve months after my decease; Also I
do give unto my sd Son John three cows with calves by their sides; Six
breeding sows, ten Ewes, & one Ram as also ye New large feather bed,
with all furniture belonging to it & two new pair of sheets, as also
one Iron pot, six pewter dishes one Iron spitt two gunns besides that wch
was sent for for him, one silver tumbler & four silver spoons marked
I P. all wch now given unto him except ye land shall be deld to him as
aforesaid wth in twelve moneths after my decease by my Exertx. & then
to have as much of ye land I now live upon as he wth his servts can make
use of or tend upon any part of ye divident where his mother shall think
fitt conveniently to place him, wth full priviledge as well upon that as
upon any other of ye whole dividents or tracts of land given to him to
gett Timber or fencing & what else he may have occasion for any manner
of Work, while ye sd Lands & plantacons by ye decease of his mother
shall come into his own Actuall possession; But in case my sd Son John
Pleasants should depart this life ere ye time these goods & Chattells
should be detd unto him then I do devise & bequeath ye same unto his
sister Eliza. & bro. Joseph Pleasants part & part alike to be equally
divided & to be deld. unto them at ye age of eighteen years Respectively
or within one year after my decease the wch shall first happen & if
either of them two should depart this life ere the time limitted, then
ye survivor of them to have & enjoy ye whole.
Item I give grant devise & bequeath unto
my sd daughter Eliza. Pleasants born of ye body of my dear & loving
wife Jane Pleasants as aforesaid that plantacon or divident of land by
me purchased of Abra Childers bounding upon Curls Swamp containing by estimacon
twenty acres be ye same more or less as also that plantacon or divident
of land by me purchased of Hen Rawing & Robt Woodson both wch contains
about four hundred acres be ye same more or less both wch sd plantacons
dividents or tracts of land I give unto my sd Daughter Eliza. Pleasants
& to the heirs of her body for ever, & for lack of such issue unto
my son John Pleasants & ye heirs of his body forever & for lack
of such issue unto my son Joseph Pleasants & to ye heirs of his body
forever & for lack of such issue to ye next right heir of me ye said
John Pleasants the father forever, also I give unto my sd Daughter Eliza.
Pleasants two cows wth calves by their sides, one good feather bed wth
all furniture belonging to it, two pair good sheets, six ews & one
Ram, one silver tumbler & Four silver spoons marked E P & the Tankard,
E. W. as also one breeding Mare besides those formerly given her, wch sd
Mare shall be young not exceeding seven years nor under four, all wch sd
land, goods & chattells now given her my mind and will is should be
deld. unto my sd Daughter Eliza. Pleasants (&wt more shall be thought
meet to be given her by her Mother) as followeth, Vzt. the Goods &
Chattells wth in twelve Months after my decease the land when her Mother
pleaseth if sees convenient to lett her have them during her sd Mother's
life time if not at her decease but if my sd Daughter Eliza. Pleasants
should depart this life before ye time these goods and chattells should
be deld to her then I doe give devise & bequeath ye same unto my sons
John and Joseph Pleasants , that is to say ye plantacon Joyning upon Curls
Swamp unto my son John Pleasants & to his heirs for ever & that
bought of Hen Rawen & Robt. Woodson unto my son Joseph Pleasants &
to his heirs for ever & ye goods and chattells to be equally divided
between them within ye time above sd; But if either of my sons John or
Joseph Pleasants should depart this life before ye time limitted then I
doe give devise & be queath as well ye sd two plantacons or dividents
of land as ye goods & chattells unto ye Survivors of them Item-I give
grant devise & bequeath unto my sd Son Joseph Pleasants born as aforesaid
of ye body of my dear & loving wife Jane Pleasants formerly ye wife
of & execx. of Samll. Tucker that plantacon or divident of land called
Turkey Island point formerly purchased of Benja. Hatcher containing by
estimacon one hundred & fifty Acres be ye same more or less, as also
that plantacon or divident of land by me purchased of Thomas Cocke lying
upon Chickahominy Swamp containing by estimacon fourteen hundred Acres
be ye same more or less, as also that Plantacon or divident of land called
Colsons wch was by me purchased of William Giles being about one hundred
Acres be it more or less, as also that divident or tract of Land by me
purchased of Edwd. Mathews containing acres it being all I purchased of
ye sd Mathews , also I give unto my sd son Joseph that plantacon or divident
of land by me purchased of Abram Childers (lying part upon ye head of ye
land I purchased of ye sd Ed. Mathews ) containing by estimacon five hundred
fifty and eight acres, as also I give unto him that tract of land for wch
have entered wth Richd. Ligon for Joyning down wards upon West-ham creek
& to run upwards to ye upper most Mouth of Tuckerhoe Creek part fo
wch being Islands & lying between the River & the land taken up
by Edmund Jennings & Wm. Randolph being two thousand Acres be ye same
more or less all wch sd Plantacons tracts or dividents of Land above mencon'd
I do give grant devise & bequeath unto my sd Son Joseph Pleasants &
unto ye heirs of his body forever & for want of such issue unto my
son John Pleasants & to the heirs of his body for ever & for want
of such issue unto my daughter Eliza. Pleasants & to the heirs of her
body forever & for want of such Issue unto Joseph Woodson born of ye
body of my wives daughter Mary Woodson the now wife of John Woodson Junr.
& to ye heirs of his body for ever & for lack of such Issue unto
ye next right heir of me ye sd John Pleasants the father for ever; Also
I doe give devise & bequeath unto my sd son Joseph Pleasants all ye
horses and mares wch now are or may be justly claymed as mine (branded
or else) on ye north side of James River from ye Plantacon of Tho Bayleys
upwards as also those cows with calves by their sides two breakable steers
besides those two wch he useth to break or yoak as also the lowest pair
of thod Cart wheels, ten Ews & one Ram, one feather bed wth Curtaing
& vallence & all other furniture 2 pair Sheets 1 iron pott, one
Gunn besides that wch was sent for him, six pewter dishes, one Silver tumbler
& four silver spoons all Marked I P. Also I give unto sd son Joseph
one negro boy named Joseph & six Sowes & one pasture Mare besides
all those formerly given him either mares or horses wch are branded I P
all wch my Mind & will is should be deld to him at ye age of eighteen
years, but if my sd son Joseph Pleasants should depart this life ere he
attain to ye age the sd goods should be deld unto him then I doe give devise
& bequeath out of ye same unto Joseph Woodson the negro boy called
Joseph to be deld unto him at ye age of sixteen years old & to Jane
Woodson the daughter of ye sd Mary Woodson six ews & one Ram &
two breeding mares to be deld to her with in ten months after my sd Joseph
Pleasants decease, the Remainder of ye sd goods & chattlles I do give
devise & bequeath unto my son John & daughter Eliza. Pleasants
part & part alike to be deld unto them also with in ten Moneths after
my sd Son Joseph his decease but if either of X should depart this life
before that time then I give ye same to ye Survivor of them two-Item-I
give grant devise & bequeath unto my aforesd two sons John & Joseph
Pleasants all that tract or divident of land by me lately taken up about
four Mile Creek part lying on sd back of Edwd Mathews 's land & Joying
to Philemon Childers his land &c: contains about two thousand six hundred
Acres, as also that part or tract of land taken up by John Woodson , Junr.
& my self part of wch lyes on ye North Side of four Mile Creek my part
of ye sd Divident being about five hundred Acres, as also the Eleven Acres
x land bought of Abram Childers lying on ye South Side of four Mile Creek
& Joying to ye Mill, as also the parcell of Land bought of Derby Enraughty
lying on ye North side of four-mile Creek being by Estimacon fifty acres
be ye same more or less; upon part of wch ye corn Mill Standeth also I
give unto them ye corn Mill & Saw-mill with all Manner of Materials
wch belongs to either of them & all other edifices buildings or other
appurts wch is upon ye sd Sixty one acres of Land on either side of ye
Creek wch now are or hereafter may be Erected on ye Same be it for ye use
or Convenience of either of ye sd Mills, also I give unto thme all Utensills
or things wch belongs to or wch was Sent for either of ye sd Mills be it
Iron Work or what ever else belongs or appertains to them, Nothing Reserved
or excepted also I give unto them all Smiths tools (as Well), Bellows,
Anvill, & wt ever else belongs to them or may be accounted such, as
also all Manner of Joyners & Carpenters tools wt ever wch sd Land wth
ye appurts, Corn Mill & Saw Mill, Smiths Tools, Carpenters or Joyners
tools & all Iron Work or else belonging or appertaining to both or
either of ye sd Mills I do grant devise & bequeath unto my Sonns John
Pleasants & Joseph Pleasants (all ye Lands & Mills wth their appurts)
to them & to ye heirs of their bodyes forever Joyntly, that is to Say
part & part alike & ye tools before menconed I give unto them for
their use; and for want of such Issue I give devise & bequeath the
sd Land & Mills unto my daughter Eliza. Pleasants & to ye heirs
of her body forever & for lack of such issue I give grant devise &
bequeath ye same unto my brothers & sisters in England wch sd Land
& Mills my desire is should be sold & ye Produce thereof to be
equally paid to each of them Provided all wayes & I do will & ordain
by these presents That if either of my sd two sons John or Joseph Pleasants
doe or shall make any suit trouble or demand in Law of or for any part
of ye sd Land goods Mills that have now given unto them Joyntly otherways
then according to ye true meaning purport & intent of this my last
Will & testament & will not neither by any friend or relacons or
else be advised or psuaded to desist from Such Courses then either of them
soe doing shall clearly loose their part of ye lands & Mills &
all other benifitts wch they either of them might have had thereby &
that either of them Comencing any such suit trouble or demand as aforesd,
or shall endeavor to Lease the Same (except it be unto his brother) to
cause strife & Contention wth out his consent or knowledge & good
liking if living Shall be as clearly void as if ye same had not been to
him given or made. Yett my mind & will is that my Dear & loving
Wife Jane Pleasants should have ye whole Profitts & increase both of
ye Corn Mill & Saw mill as also all the Rents yearly & other Profitts
of all my sd Land & tenements during her Naturall life & I doe
freely & fully give grant & bequeath unto Friends in these parts
called Quakers (wch now are or hereafter may be) that small parcell of
Land by me purchased of Benja. Hatcher Joyning upon Tho. Holms 's land
for a Meeting house & burying place with ye Meeting house now upon
it, & ye Land purchased as aforesd I doe give devise & bequeath
unto friends abovesd called Quakers for ye worship & service of God
forever. Item-I give unto my Daughter in law Mary Woodson twenty pounds
sterling to be paid her in ye Country Commodityes wth twelve Moneths after
my decease-Item-I give unto my dear & loving Mother twenty pounds sterling
money to be paid her wth in twelve Moneths after my decease if living by
good & sufficient bills of Exchange-The rest and residue of my estate
remaining unbequeathed after my debts paid and this my last will pformed
I doe wholly give grant devise & bequeath unto my Dear & loving
wife Jane Pleasants (formerly wife & execx. of Samll. Tucker , decd.)
whom I make & ordain my whole & sole Executrix of this my last
will & testament; Revoking & by these presents disannulling all
former or other will or wills by me made or declared either by Word or
Writing, & this to be taken for & remain as my last Will &
testament. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & affixed
my Seal the day & year aforesd. John Pleasants Seal of red wax.
Signed seal'd ownd & declared by ye Testator
as his last Will and Testament in presence of us; John Butler Alexander
MaKenny Henco County Octobr. 1; 1690 .
Presented in open Court pr Mr. John Pleasants
& then & there by him declared to be his last will & testament
& at his request Ordere'd to be Enter'd on Record. Teste, Hen. Randolph,
C. C.
The will of John Pleasants of Curles in Henrico
County : Dated. 27th of 7br 1690 : Presented by Mr. John Pleasants &
recorded at his request, 1 Oct. 1698 : (This same will was presented by
Mr. John Pleasants at a Court held 1, Oct. 1690 and at his request, recorded-Vol:
Deeds, Wills, &c. 1688-1697 : p. 149-154, inclusive).
Be it known unto all men by these presents that
whereas I John Pleasants of Curles , in the County of Henrico, Plantr ,
having made and declared my last will and Testament in writing bearing
Date the 27th day of 7br 1690 wch said will being also upon the records
in Henrico County and whereas since ye making of my said Will some of the
Lands then given my sonn Joseph Pleasants at Tuckahoe Creek being lost
for want of seating and one hundred acres of Land called Caulsens being
also given unto my sonn Joseph Pleasants but since sold to Giles Webb ,
and the Land given my daughter Eliza. Pleasants (vizt) that bought of Abraham
Childers being abought seventy acres Joyning upon Curles Swamp as also
that given her bought of Henry Rowen &c containing about four hundred
acres wch two tracts of Lands being now in her & her husbands James
Cocke possession (as being since maryed & conveyment to them by writing
under my hand & seal since the making of my sd will as also other things
given her in my sd will ye greater part also she hath all ready had ye
remainder given her my will & mind is she should have with-six month
after my decease, Now Kno yer as aforesd that I the said John Pleasants
do by this present Coddicill confirme and rattifie the remainder of my
sd last will and Testament in wch it is my reall intent and true meaning
that my Dear and loving wife Jane Pleasants whom I have made my hole and
sole Executrix of my sd will should have the Land I now live upon and Orchard?
(Puhard) except what she thinks fitt to lett her son John have to live
upon and to make use of as also all the whole profitts of Both the mills
and the rents yearly and other profitts of all other my said Lands Except
what my two Sonns John and Joseph Pleasants shall live upon during her
Naturall Life as well those all ready in my sd will mentioned as those
hereafter given unto my sd two Sonns and Grandson Thomas Pleasants and
I doe hereby give grant confirm and bequeath the same to her during her
Naturall life as aforesd.
Item-I do further give and bequeath unto my sonn
John Pleasants that tract or pcell of Land bought of Henry Wyat the first
time at Poquenackee (o; ?) containing abought two hundred and twelve acres
begining upon the lowermost lyne of the said Henry Wyats tract next to
the Land wch was formerly Barth Burroughs and so to run upward to the Cattale
Swamp including all the sd Land as well meadors? as else mentioned in the
said Wyat sale to me for the same, also I give devise and bequeath unto
my sd son John Pleasants that plantation or divident of Land by me bought
of Edward Ward containing five hundred and fifty acres being part of a
Tract of Land taken up by the Gilbert Elam and the said Edwd Ward hath
wch two tracts or dividends of Lands as above sd I doe give and bequeath
unto my sd son John Pleasants and to his heirs forever and for want of
such Issue [then I give and bequeath the said Land* Joseph Pleasants and
to his heirs for ever and for want of such Issue then I give and bequeath
the said Lands unto my daughter Eliza. Cocke and to her heirs for ever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Pleasants besides what is given
him in my Said will that plantacon or tract of Land, by me lately bought
of Henry * * * called Poqunoke containing about three hundred and thirty
acres with all the stock of cattle of mine now upon it as well male as
female as also all the Hogs wch was formerly belonging to me and John Calyer
with all the Horses and mares upon the said Plantacon as also I give and
bequeath unto my said son Jos. Pleasants that plantacon that plantacon
or divident of Land by me bought of Giles Webb containing about one hundred
acres Joyning upon the head of the Land bought of Henry Wyat now given
him, also I give and bequeath unto my sd son Joseph Pleasants that plantacon
or tract of Land called Powhitee Swamp containing about four hundred and
seventy acres wch was by me purchased of Wm. Drury &c for ye better
assurance thereof of Jeremy Beuskin all wch said three tracts Plantation
or dividends of Land I give and bequeath unto my sonn Joseph Pleasants
as aforesaid and to his heirs for ever, and for want of such issue I give
devise and Bequeath the same unto my grandson Thomas Pleasants and to his
heirs for ever, and for want of such issue then I give the same to the
next son or Daughter of my son John Pleasants and to his or her heirs forever
and for want of such issue then I give the same unto my Grandson James
Cocke and to his heirs for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson
Thomas Pleasants that plantacon or Dividen of Land by me purchased of James
Lyles containing about one hundred and fifty Acres as also that plantation
or tract of Land by me purchased of James More Anthony Moore and Jno. Field
containing in all three hundred thirty four acres wch sd tracts or dividends
of Land I give devise and bequeath unto my sd Grand son and to his heirs
forever/and for want of such issue y n i give ye sd Lad unto ye next male
child of my sd son John Pleasants & his heirs for ever//and for want
of such issue then I give and bequeath unto my Son Joseph Pleasants and
to his heirs for ever as also I give and bequeath unto my sd Grand son
Thomas Pleasants and to his heirs for ever all that Land by me lately taken
up Joy ing upon the land above given him being about one thousand acres
be it more or less and for want of such Issue then I give the same to the
heirs * * * formerly given his other Land to (vizt) to my son John next
sonnes to his heirs and for want of said Issue then I give the same into
my sonn Joseph Pleasants and to his heirs for ever and my will and meaning
is that this Codicill or scheduall-be and be adjudged to be part and prcell
of my said last will & testament and that all things herein contayned
and mentioned be faithfully and truly performed as fully and amply in every
Respect as if the sd last will and Testament-In Witness whereof I have
hereunto sett my hand and affixed my Seal this 11th day of 3 called May
1697 . m John Pleasants
Signd Seald and Deled by the Subscriber as his
act & Deed in prsence of
Entered upon Record by Order of Court upon the
prayer of Mrs. Jane Pleasants . Pr James Cocke , Cl. Cur."
30. "1671 Curles [Plantation], Henrico County,
Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family, Philadelphia, PN: The
Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL, , p 23
31.Tarleton Pleasants ., 1672 of Henrico County
The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward
Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine
Museum., circa 19xx.
32. 1713.
Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants Family, Philadelphia, PN: The
Historical Publication Society, 1939., R929.2 P724ZL, p 23 .
33. The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol.
1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original
data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4,
1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
34. Link to source on web Unsourced family
tree and unverified unless alternate source provided in data base where
this entry occurs showing verification
35. Ibid. Unsourced Family Tree; Unverified
unless alternate source provided in data base where this entry occurs showing
verification http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7998/jordan.html.
36. "eleventh day seventh month 1668."
Mrs Watson Winslow., "History of Perquimans County As Compiled from
Records Found There and Elsewhere.," Regional Publishing Company, Baltimore,
1974; Originally Published Raleigh, NC 1931, LC #74-1515; ISBN #0-8063-7996-0,
Beautifully Detailed Study of the Jordan Family with Relevant hard Data
37."11 Jul 1668" -
probably misreading of Quaker records for 7th month
Webpages of Peggy Hooper hooperhous@earthlink.net, "My
Roots - Peggy Hooper," http://www.gencircles.com/users/peggy/3/,
Beautiful cite, many primary sources, sources for individual entries not
really sourced but seem substantiated by primary sources in other locations
in lovingly formed and scholarly website
38. "of Nansamond County, Virginia '
The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward
Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine
Museum., circa 19xx.
39. "3 Aug 1728"
Webpages of Peggy Hooper hooperhous@earthlink.net, "My
Roots - Peggy Hooper," http://www.gencircles.com/users/peggy/3/,
Beautiful cite, many primary sources, sources for individual entries not
really sourced but seem substantiated by primary sources in other locations
in lovingly formed and scholarly websitehttp://www.gencircles.com/users/peggy/3/data/10448.
40. "Curles Meeting House 9th 7mo 1718 Henrico
from Quaker record cited in The Valentine Papers, Vol 1-4, 1864-1908
Woodson Family
Record Book of Henrico County Monthly Meeting of Friends 1699-1756
Curles Meeting House 9th 7mo 1718 . Joseph Woodson , Elizabeth Woodson
, Tarleton Woodson , Richd. Faris, Sr. , Edward Mosby , Mary Mosby &
others witnesses to the marriage of Robert Jordan Sr. to Dorothy Pleasants
, widow of John Pleasants of Henrico Co.
[The Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online]
Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward
Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908.Richmond, VA: The Valentine
Museum., circa 19xx.]
41. "1718" Frank Willing Leach, Pleasants
Family, Philadelphia, PN: The Historical Publication Society, 1939.,
R929.2 P724ZL, , p 23
42. 9 Jul 1718
Webpages of Peggy Hooper hooperhous@earthlink.net, "My Roots - Peggy
Hooper," http://www.gencircles.com/users/peggy/3/,
Beautiful cite, many primary sources, sources for individual entries not
really sourced but seem substantiated by primary sources in other locations
in lovingly formed and scholarly website Specific URL : http://www.gencircles.com/users/peggy/3/data/10431.
43. Chronological History of Warwick County
Virginia presenting information abstracted from the book "Newport
News Virginia, 1607-1960" by Annie Lash Jester published 1961
and presented online by Lori B. Pownall at http://www.rootsweb.com/~vawarwic/history.htm
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