Manor of Maske , Evidence of Robert McCurdy, some of his Neighbors and others known or suspected in Allied Group [Incomplete at present and generally heavily Thompson weighted]
Part of Topic: Manor of Maske in Subject: Adams County Penna  Relevant to: Manors of Pennsylvania , their histories and our Forebears Within the  Chapter: Pennsylvania and our Pennsylvanians. See Penna Chapter Index
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This page involves relevant excerpts From "The Manor of Maske: It's History and Individual Properties", [ The Booklet, "The Manor of Maske: It's History and Individual Properties", gives a very good history of the Manor and how it came to be. It is available for about 15$ from the Adams County Historical Society. ]
There are about 10 sections shown in the book, and about 333 tracts of land in the manor. The map is about 3' by 2' and the map available on line shows only one portion. A portion of the Settlement Map is available on line. The book is fully indexed, and provides the following information on Robert McCurdy and others in our allied families with whom his children inter-married.

Persons with Transactions provided on this page Organized By  Township

Robert McCurdy [See his Genealogy Page
Thomas Wilson
William McCreary May 22, 1802
Samuel Moore, d. 1756
David Moore
 John Scott, May 5, 1808
are the above persons related to Martha Moore who married James McCurdy
William Quiet 
Robert Thompson, Aug, 15, 1800
 Is this Robert Thompson, husband to Mary McCurdy
John Thomson or Thompson 
Robert Black 
John Sweney, Apr. 20, 1801
Hamiltonban, now Freedom: 
Thomas McClellan
 James Hall
John McCallen
Samuel Paxton
Joseph Walker
Some Paxtons are involved in the Piney Creek Church
Hamiltonban, now Freedom: 
John Thompson
William Stevenson
Robert Cunningham
Elizabeth Thompson
  Widow Thompson
 James Thompson
Andrew Thompson, d. 1768, 
John Thompson estate, Ded. 16, 1800
Mt. Joy:
John and William Thompson
Straban and Cumberland: 
Samuel Bell 
William McGee 
Robert Ilhenny
William Thompson
John and William Thompson 
Isaac Robinson, Mar. 31, 1798 
Charles Wilson, Jan 9, 1799



The "key" (taken directly from the book) is for the following numerations

(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.

(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.

(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.

(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.

(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.

(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information: the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.

(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6

Robert McCurdy [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
(1) F-16, Cumberland [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
(2) Thomas Wilson, d. 1779 [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
(3) Yes, March 1741 [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
(4) 1762 [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.  ]
(5) June 21, 1764 and October 4, 1765 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
(6) May 9, 1787, 418 acres, a resurvey [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
(7) Robert McCurdy, April 30, 1801 and William McCreary May 22, 1802 [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]

Property 61, associated with Robert McCurdy, is at the upper part of the section of the map, but the entire section of 61 is not shown.

Property 74 belonged to James Hall, and later by John McCallen
Property 76 belonged to Samuel Paxton, and later by Joseph Walker.

Tract #232 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
(1) C-14, Hamiltonban, now Freedom [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
(2) Thomas McClellan [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
(3) no [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
(4) 1762, as a single man [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.  ]
(5) Dec. 2, 1767 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
(6) Dec. 9, 1767, 177 a. 120 p., Armagh [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
(7) Thomas McClellan, Jan. 26, 1798 [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]
(8) an early survey indentifies a previous claimant of this tract as a Widow Wilson.

tract #136 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
(1) G-10, Cumberland [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
(2) Samuel Moore, d. 1756 [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
(3) Yes, March 1741, David Moore (1736-1803) [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
(4) 1762, as a single man, David Moore. [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list. ]
(5) unknown [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
(6) unknown [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
(7) David Moore, March 21, 1800, 254 a. 122 p. [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]
(8) see tract 191

#191 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
(1) H-9, Cumberland [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
(2) Samuel Moore, d. 1756 [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
(3) Yes, March 1741, David Moore (1736-1803) [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
(4) 1762, listed as a single man, David Moore [[ (4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.  ]
(5) unknown [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
(6) unknown [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
(7) John Scott, May 5, 1808, 90 a. 38 p. [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]
(8) see tract 136

       Property 191 is directly north of 136, both are just outside of where Gettyburg is today.  These properties are well north of the section shown in map

Allied names to McCurdy Study:

#43  [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, C-15, Hamiltonban, now Freedom [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
2, John Thompson [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, yes, May 1741, William Stevenson [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
4, 1762 [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.  ]
5, Sept. 15, 1766 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, Jan 9, 1767, 158 a. 17 p. Highland Tract [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, Robert Cunningham, Apr. 30, 1801 [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]

#44 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, B-15, Hamiltonban, now Freedom [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
2, Elizabeth Thompson [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, yes, Apr. 1741 [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
4, 1762, Widow Thompson [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.  ]
5, Oct. 17, 1765, James Thompson [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, Nov. 29, 1765, 265 a. 43 p. , James Thompson, part outside the manor. [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, unknown [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]

#45 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, B-14, Hamiltonban, now Freedom [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
2, Andrew Thompson, d. 1768 [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, yes, May 1741 [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
4, 1762 [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list. ]
5, Apr. 16, 1765 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, Nov. 28, 1765, 198 a. 55 p., part outside the manor [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, John Thompson estate, Ded. 16, 1800 [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]

#58 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, L-19, Mt. Joy [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given]
2, John and William Thompson [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, no [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
4, 1762 [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list. ]
5, May 31, 1762 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, June 18 , 1767, 316 a. 80 p. [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, land covered by the 1762 warrant was subsequently determined to be both in and out of the manor.  Deeds for more than 316  1/2 acres were secured from both Penn heirs and the Commonwealth. [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]

#13 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1. J-4, Straban and Cumberland
This property entirely within the manor, was surveyed for Samuel Bell in 1770 on the strength of three warrants issued in 1763 to William McGee, Robert Ilhenny and William Thompson.  Samuel Bell's patent for 450 acres is dated April 13, 1772. [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]

#5 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, G-4, Cumberland [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
2, John Thomson or Thompson [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, no [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.]
4, 1762, Robert Black [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list]
5, Oct. 6, 1738 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, resurvey Jan 13, 1770, 233 a., Armagh. [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, John Sweney, Apr. 20, 1801 [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]
8, this land was warranted before the Manor of Maske warrant.

#152  [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, L-18, Mt. Joy [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
2, John and William Thompson [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, no [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list. ]
4, 1762 [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list.  ]
5, May 31, 1762 in the name of William, but also for the use of John. [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, undated 316 a. 80 p. ,Waterless [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, Isaac Robinson, Mar. 31, 1798 - Charles Wilson, Jan 9, 1799 [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]
8, same, see prop #58

#115 [See Key for numerations from book describing what of what the information informs ]
1, G-17, Cumberland [(1) Location of the property on the manor map and the township or towhships in which is was located.  Where the Township has changed since the eighteeth century, both the original and present townships are given.]
2, William Quiet [(2) Name of the earliest known claimant to the land, with dates of birth and death where available.  It is evident that because of the scarcity of early records and the peculiarities of manor history, in many instances the earliest actual claimant has not been found.]
3, Apr. 1741 [(3) Appearence or non appearance on the Agnew-McPherson list, with the date of settlement as it appeared on that list.  ]
4, 1762 [(4) Date of first appearance of the earliest know claimant or a successor on a township tax list. ]
5, Oct. 4, 1765 [(5) Date of warrant for the property, with the name of the warrantee if different from the name previously given.]
6, unknown [(6) Date of survey for the property, with the following additional information:  the name of the person for whom the survey was made if different from the name in the previous entry; the acreage; the tract name where known; and whether part of the survey was outside the manor.]
7, Robert Thompson, Aug, 15, 1800, 405 a. 22 p. [(7) Recipient of the Penn agent or patent deed,  date of its award, and acreage, if not already given in 6]