Within The Vines
Most Wanted List
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Links to details of persons  closely entwined to ancestors Within The Vines, & felt to be as yet unknown collaterols or relatives, and links to ancestors whose own ascendancy needs a jumpstart

f you are aware of  any information beyond that presented in link on these persons that furthers the effort to fully identify their possible position  as solid collaterols and / or family members with a larger context please contact the webmistress
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Most Wanted List
Most Wanted Persons Relevant to Lancaster County, Penna

William BRISBIN  [Relevant to  McCurdy and Allied Lines]
Hans Adam BENDER   [Relevant to SWOPE and allied lines]
Michael BEAR [Relevant to SWOPE and allied Lines]

Most Wanted Relevant to York County and portions of Lancaster formed from it  [and/or portions of York later made into Adams County] Penna

Anna Margaretha [Relevant to HOKE & SWOPE lines of Lancaster County  formed into York]
Eve SWOPE [Relevant to BENTZ and SWOPE Lines.]  York [ and possibly Lancaster County] Penna
William Henry Stair [Relevant to the BENTZ and SWOPE Lines of York Penna]
Martha Moor[e]  [McCurdy and Allied Relevant] Born Md,  she may be of related to the Moores in Adams [Then York] County, Pa

Most Wanted from the American South [Alabama/Georgia Relevant]
McGehee, Jabus [his ascendancy is under research and is suspected] See William McGehee, the current object of condsideration as father