Background Matter
Dedicated Page: Why
this portion of Pennsylvania only? The
reason for this study.
Dedicated Page: Subject
Introduction and General Overview : Page
The Natives of Southeastern
& central Penna , Pre-Contact History & Tribal Positions
Penna's Changing
Native Powers from Time of Contact to 1682; The Effect of Trade: The Beaver
Wars and Iroquois Rise to Dominance
The Four Colonial Powers
Influential to the History of Pennsylvania
The Colonial Powers
& the Natives of Penna [who fought with whom for whom and why]
William Penn [1682]
& the Natives of Penna
James Logan, Penn's
Secretary , & the Natives [The writer's direct ancestor and His significant
role with the individual and general populace groups]
Our immigrant European
Forebears & the Natives of Penna from 1682 to ca 1750
Specific Nations
Involved in Southeastern and Southcentral Penna Colonial history:
[Each page includes Specific
nation Pre and Post Contact History, Position and Situation at time of
European settlement, relevant treaties and their effects, and situation
to end of habitation within the greater Pennsylvania society ] for
Treaties involving
Southeastern and Southcentral Penna
Dedicated Page: Most
important Treaties Between Penn, Penn Heirs and the Native Americans
involving the Pennsylvania of our Forebears:
Penn Treaties with the
Lenape 1682-84
Penn Heir Treaties with
the Iroquois
Land West of Susquehanna
1736 . Iroquois Treaty. This sale involved "All the Land West of the Susquehanna
to the Setting Sun " [James Logan entertained at Stenton the Iroquois
Indians involved in this sale]
The Walking Purchase
1737 . Iroquois sale of Lenape Lands. [brokered and signed by Iroquois
Chiefs and James Logan [seperate page] on behalf of the
Penn Heirs ]. Includes comment and links to this deed's effect during the
later French & Indian War
Dedicated Page:
Logan and the Natives of Pennsylvania [
Penn Steward in the Colony, Direct Forebear to Writer, with vital
Role in Diplomacy, Treaties, English Expansion]
The French and Indian
War and its effect in Pennsylvania
Dedicated Page:
and the French and Indian War in
which this period of Penna history is discussed , the background for Indian
role upon southcentral and southeastern Penna reviewed, and the situation
of direct forebears in relation to this turbulence identified.