The Swope and Allied Surnames General History and Surnames In Order of Appearance in America
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aaSwope and Allied brief,  General History 
[See also All Swope Surnames in Order of Appearance America

Our Swope and all allied surname directs alligned with it remained in Pennsylvania-If they migrated from it, it was after raising our direct of their progeny and they left behind those directs involved raising their own families there- from the first generation of immigrants introduced into the line on all generational levels through to the last, making our Swope and allied surnames a study of increasing numbers of Pennsylvanians, largely Germanic and these  from the Palatinate and neighboring Switzerland [see map of our Surnames in Germany]. The Germans were mostly Reformed and Lutheran in faith, although Mennonites play a role in the earliest phase of immigration and involve 4-5 generations.  With the introduction of the McCurdy line into the Swope ascendancy in the mid 1800s in Adams County, Penna, we gain the only known non  German surnames in the line beyond that of the Howard surname with which it intermarried  in the 1940s. The inability to afix the ascendancy of one of the English assumed surnames entering the McCurdy aligned cluster in marriage in1808 [that surname being Moor(e), and not felt likely to be Americanized from the German surname MOHR] suggests a broader spectrum of Scotch Irish waiting to be uncovered in northern Maryland and/or southern York/ Adams Counties, after which  the Scotch Irish lines yield entirely to German surname.

In general the history of all the Swope and allied lines is one in which the earliest families  were escaping religious persecution and constant warfare in the homeland, whether Ireland or the Palatinate. They forged westward  once arrived to  Pennsylvania's port of Phildelphia from Chester  Co [portions of which  relevant became Lancaster County in 1727]. From Lancaster County  in which they were encompassed either on arrival or when it still pertained to Chester,   they either moved further west or found themselves in the newly designated York County formed from Lancaster  in 1749, and then, in 1800, in a newly designated Adams County   formed from York.   New  immigrants were encompassed into the line, of course but all surnames involved  with this ascendancy were present in Penna by 1800 with only two exceptions [STAIR, born 1830 in Pennsylvania ,  of unknown ascendancy at present but expected part of the STOEHR / STEHR families present in York County from the mid 18th and REINECKE, arriving in 1868 from Celle, Hanover, Germany and intermarrying with  Ella MEALS , whose family on both sides was long present in Adams County, Penna]. ALL surnames retained their relevance in terms of Pennsylvania no matter when they appear in  our ascendancy.   There exists a minimal  possibility that the STAIR surname known back to  1830 and  marrying a German BENTZ in York [the town] of York County  is English and not an Americanization of the German surname STOEHR as suspected, but this is not felt likely. 

The loyalty to Pennsylvania in the Swope and allied ascendancy is one Pennsylvania's 
citizens still possess; Pennsylvania is the state least likely for a child born in  to 
emmigrate from  to this day.   All of  Our American Patriots thus far encountered belong to the Swope Allied Surnames  of the tree. 
See  the Swope and allied Surnames in order of known precense in America on this page
from which entry to the Surname  title page and/ or immigrant ancestor is easily obtained  and which is also linked from the Surnames Listed to Right and in table

Associated Pages Relevant to the Swope And Allied Line: 
The Swope Ascendancy: 
a Roster of the First of Each Surname
In order of Known Presence America
[All are Penna & Md Relevant]

HERR [1710], and Herr wives Kundig and BAR
BRUBAKER [by 1720s]
SWOBE/SWOOPE [ca 1720]
LINE [LINE/LYNE] [by 1725] 
[ca 1726] 
FISHER [ by 1726] 
McCURDY  and wife COOKE [ 1720s, certainly by 1731] 
and wife ZIEGLER [1727]
HOKE [HOCH] [1728]
BECKER [by1738]
and wife   GYLOY [1741]
KINDIGEN [KINDIG] [ by 1743/4]
SCHNEIDER [by 1746 , perhaps as early as 1726]
CREIGHTON [ before 1752.]
MOHLER [by 1759] 
SNAVELY [by  1761]
MOOR / MOORE [by 1787]
and wife  SCHNEBELE [1791]
SLENTZ [before 1792 ]
STAIR [Stoehr? Stahr? ] [by 1830s]
Howard [2nd alpha name 
within the Vines] [1917]

  Click on name for synopsis of 
first known American 
relevant to the Surname from 
which there are continued 
links into the study of the line

To Combined  Swope & Howard 
 in Order of Apperarnce America


Chronological Presentation Swope and Allied Surnames to America

Footnote 1: 
Because many immigrants were coming to meet previously arrived family members and to  build communities with their extended
families, the wives accompanying their husbands on the voyage to America, no longer holding their birth surnames and neglected 
entirely in the ship's lists,  are presented within this list indented and italicised. Their inclusion will perhaps allow for insightful future 
research regarding those women whose ascendancy and familial alliance's are unknown or sparse through identification of a 
perhaps more obvious male member of her birth family in the immigrant community. 
The females coming with their husbands, whose surnames can not be considered truly American but who were among 
the brave female spirits settling the new world, are clearly identified.

HERR, Hans  [Mennonite Bishop]  and wife  [Swope Allied Surname]

Arrived 1709/10 settling south side of Pequa Creek, Lancaster, PA [then the western frontier] where he  and other mennonites purchased 10,000 acres of land .This famous Bishop among mennonites is abundantly studied in history and geneology. He led his beleaguered people , with their painful history of abuse, toruture , exile, imprisonment and killings, first to England, and then to the new world, and settled them on the far reaches of the frontier.The home , now a museaum, bearing the Herr name in Lancaster County in fact was built by his son, also a bishop, in 1719, and it was used as a house of worship as well. This home is the oldest remaining mennonite church in America, despite the precense of other Mennonites earlier on in Germantown, now Philadelphia itself. At  the time of his emmigration he was in his 7th decade; His wife was 5 years his junior. See relevant page  explaining briefly why our Mennonites are our First American Immigrants

    KUNDIG, Barbel , wife to Hans Herr [SwopeAllied Surname]
      Arrived with her husband Hans Herr. Her nephew was Martin Kendig, who brokered the deal with Penn, and was  the land agent for the  settlement to which the Mennonites repaired on arrival. Martin encouraged and assured the settling of the Huguenots on the Pequea  by his people, the first of which was  Madame Marie FERREE, a woman whose own history is remarkable and whose descendants often appear marrying into our allied families.
BAR, Anna [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived 1717 with her husband Abraham Herr [son of Bishop Hans Herr] to Penna in 1709/10. See Relevant Webpages herein Our Mennonites of Lancaster County

BRENNEMAN Melchior  [BROENNIMANN/] [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived  24 Aug 1717 Via The Port Of Philadelphia, Pa. , died New Danville, Lancaster, Penna, Despite this Ship record and year, some say "One of the oldest settlers in Lancaster Co., Pa., and is mentioned as early  as 1709." did he cross twice? He was Mennonite, and strongly allied with the Herr family. Several Mennnites made the crossing more than once in order to bring others of their faith to their new world. See Relevant Webpages herein Our Mennonites of Lancaster County

Brubaker, Barbara [SwopeAllied Surname]
Her husband Rudolf HERR was born in 1701, and she is said to be born the same year. Their children are noted being born commencing in the early 1720s in Lancaster County, Penna. It is not known if she married her husband in America or not. it is  assumed that he came with his father 1717 to America to join Rudolf's grandfather Bishop Hans Herr.

LINE , John  [LEIN / LYNE / LEIHN] [SwopeAllied Surname]
Naturalized October 14, 1729. John Line was Elder of the earliest Reformed Church, which at first was called The Hill Church and later Hellers, now officially called Salem. Heller's Church had its origin in the year 1725, the same year John Line's daughter married Johannes SWOPE

SWOPE,Yost  [Schwab] [SwopeAllied Surname]
Emmigrated, it is thought, ca 1720 with his wife and  children, one of whom was Johannes Swope, and Yost is long regarded as the first of any Swope on American soil. This family settled in Lancaster County. His daughter,  Anna Elisabetha Schwab Riehm (Ream) had emmigrated with her husband Johann Eberhard Riehm in 1717, and although she had given up her Surname, this truly first Swope no doubt contributed to her parent's decision to relocate here.

WOLFHARDT, Anna Katharine [SwopeAllied Surname]
[ Yost's wife as Identified in Swope Book of Remembrance]  arrived with her husband in 1720. See Yost Swope  for my lingering questions regarding her identification
DOTTERER, George Philip [Sometimes found as George Philip DUDRA]  [SwopeAllied Surname]
Died 1741 Frederick Township, Philadelphia County, Penna. His wife, Veronica   died 1752 Frederick Twp., Philadelphia  [no anscendancy known for her]  Surname precense to 1726: This husband and wife team came from Germany to Penna. Their son Michael died in FrederickTownship, Montgomery County, Penna. in 1786. [Montgomery County is located approximately twenty miles west of Center City Philadelphia, and the county was formed in 1784 from Philadelphia]  Michael's daughter,  our direct, Anna Sophia, was born In Philadelphia in 1726. She died in Littlestown Penna in 1790.
FISHER, Anna Maria . [SwopeAllied Surname]
Present   by 1726 when she bore Anna Sophia DOTTERER in Philadelphia to her husband Michael DOTTERER, son of George Philip above.Anna Maria and her husband are said to have married in Pennsylvania.  [no anscendancy known for her]  She died 1781 in FrederickTownship, Montgomery County, Penna.

McCURDY, James [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived married to Va from Ireland as early as 1720, but the date of emmigration and the ship remains a mystery.  They resided in Salisbury Township, York County in 1731. The boat on which they came was headed for Penna, but winds and fortune took them first to Va. His Grandfather had been forced to flee the Isle of Bute, Scotland, with his brothers in 1666 and amidst a blinding snowstorm on an open boat, due to the persecution of the Presbyterians and a failed uprising by them. This grandfather, Petheric "of the Cairn" McCurdy, married Margaret STEWART whose own family had escaped the Isle of Bute the generation before. Margaret STEWART is the 7th Great Granddaughter of Robert II Stewart, King of Scotland, and it is through her that our royal lines are gained. See Relevant Page herein "Our Irish Within the Vines" and McCurdy Title Page as well as Our Peers and Royals Within The Vines

COOKE, Polly  wife to James McCurdy above, and emmigrated with her husband [SwopeAllied Surname]
SPANGLER [Spengler] Hans Kasper [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived on William and Sarah from Rotterdam to Phily in Sept 1727. He and his new wife Judith forged into the wilderness west of the Penna's Susquehanna.
ZIEGLER, Judith  [adopted dtr of Martin Ziegler] [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived in sept 1727 with her husband Casper Spengler/ Spangler, above

HOKE, "Jacob" Johann Jacob [Hock]   [SwopeAllied Surname]

Arrived with his first wife said to be Anna Maria Susannah SCHINDLER, on the Mortonhouse into Philadelphia from Rotterdam 24 August 1728, settling first Lancaster City, Penna where he was a weaver and Minister. She died in Lancaster County. He moved to York County where he died. He married Anna Margaretha Surname Unknown between 1732-33 in York County. Johann Jacob was one of several children of his parents to emmigrate. For this reason, the study of this line is best begun with his father, who remained in Germany
Anna Margaretha SURNAME UNKNOWN , wife to Jacob Hoke   [SwopeAllied Surname]
(Surname purported by some as  MUELLER, by others as WEISS, and by others as  SCRIVER either by birth or by previous marriage. )  Present by 1732-33 when she married her husband in York County, Pennsylvania.  Her ascendancy, birthdate and place is unknown, but she produced many children with her husband, among whom is our direct. She is among Cynthia's Most Wanted

EICHELBERGER , Frederick [Johann Phillip Friederich]    [SwopeAllied Surname]

With his  first wife, Anna Barbara DOEMERS  or Doerners, and  four children, arrived on Ship Albany from Rotterdam via Cowes 1 sept 1729. They set off to settle the banks of the Pequea in Lancaster County. She died after producing one more child. He 2nd married  Magdalena BECKER and they lived on the Digges Choice. tract, near Hanover, York county, Pennsylvania.

BENTZ,  Johannes      [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived 1732 to Phila Resided Manchester Twp. , now West Manchester Township, York County, Penna

TROXELL, Peter   [Trachsel]     [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived Phily 1733 with his wife Juliana Catharina TRAUTHAGER and Peter and Juliana Catharina first settled in  Egypt, Pa, then in Bucks County [now Lehigh] , and then moved 5 miles away to the lower Jordan Valley where they were first settlers of this region of now Lehigh County. After12 Jan 1754 they removed to settleFrederick County, Md. which borders Adams County, Penna on its southern aspect in the region near Littlestown. Their son, our direct, Daniel accompanied them on their ship as a boy, and later joined his parents with his own family , living near  Littlestown, Adams County, Penna. [the oldest 'laid out' town of that county] .   Daniel's son , also named Peter.  is credited with building the first home in Gettysburg. See Bucks Couty and our persons there

TRAUTHAGER, Juliana Catharina    [SwopeAllied Surname]
Acompanied her husband Peter Troxell above to America. See Bucks Couty and our persons there
QUICKEL, Johann Michael    [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived on Perth-Amboy, 19 October 1736, in company of his two brothers. He died in York County. His son, our direct,  is responsable for some of the most beautiful of Fraktur art in the York county cemeteries, some of which are found in Quickel's cemetery which the father Michael founded.

BECKER, Magdalena [Maria Magdalena ]    [SwopeAllied Surname]
Present Lancaster County 1738 at which time she married Frederick Eichelberger. born date uncertain, some say  ca 1715 Penna , others say she was born in Germay. If she WAS born in Penna, the date of her birth may correspond  to the Huguenot and Mennonite Settlement along the Pequea , along the banks of which resided her husband with his first wife. I have found no evidence of her precense there. She married her husband in Trinity Reformed Church in Lancaster County and she and her husband died near Hanover, Pennsylvania. They had settled on Digges Choice.

BENDER, Jacob [the Senior] [Penter]    [SwopeAllied Surname]
Appears to have arrived in Philadelphia in 1738. He was a cordwaine in Philadelphia. His son, also named Jacob, married Catharine /Anna SCHNEIDER, and they produced our direct, sister to the Bender brothers who founded Bendersville, Adams County Pennsylvania. Our direct likewise lived in that area. See Philadelphia and our Philadelphians.
MEALS  , Johann Samuel  [MUHL]    [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived  Sept.26,1741 on the ship St. Mark. He died in what is now Adams County, Penna [Bendersville area.  See relevant pages Adams County and Our Adams Countians . His wife:

GYLOY, Maria Charlottha  [SwopeAllied Surname]
[wife of Johann Samuel MEALS / MUHL above] accompanied him. They were married Marxheim Evangelizch, Rheinland, Prussia.]

KINDIGEN [probably the female form of Kindig]  [SwopeAllied Surname], 
Maria [Mary (Catharine)] Kindigen-athe Kiindigen surname may be the female form of the German Kindig -she married a Spangler; on her tombstone it says MARIA STINIA SPENGLER
Present in the region of York County now pertaining to Adams by 1743/4 when she married her husband Jonas Spangler. Her father was Martin Kindigen or Kindig

SCHNEIDER, Catharine/Anna, Jacob Bender Jr' s wife,  [SwopeAllied Surname]
Present 1746 in York, York  County Pennsylvania [her marriage[ is said  to have been born in Penna  date unknown but ca 1726.

Arrived 1748 on SHip Judith to Penna. Initially residing in and around York county, Penna., John Humrickhouse  moved his family to Germantown, Pa., in 1771. Two sons and one son in law, married to our direct,  fought in the Revolution.

CREIGHTON, William  [SwopeAllied Surname]
Unknown date of arrival, but before 1752. An ad for an escaped indentured servant was posted by him in Leacock Township, Lancaster, PA.  in 1752. He is said to be of "Fermandaugh, Northern Ireland" ancestry.

MOHLER, Elizabeth  [SwopeAllied Surname]
Born ca 1759 [64 at death 1 Sept 1823 according to newspaper clipping ] and she married her husband at present in unknown locale. Her ascendancy is under research. She was married to John TROXELL and it is unknown where she was born at present. They raised children in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania.

SNAVELY, Barbara[Surname not secure]  [SwopeAllied Surname]
Said to be Snavely, she was widow BAUER at the time of her marriage to Quickel, but Michael Quickel's will mentions stepson BOHNER.  Present Lancaster County by 1761 when she married in the Reformed Church there to Johann Michael Quickel, as his 2nd wife. Ascendancy unknown.

COFIELD , John   [HowardAllied Surname]
Born North Carolina in 1766. His Ascendancy is under research, but  may pertain to the Cofields of Virginia.

GRAY , Frances    [HowardAllied Surname]
Of Washington County, Ga, born ca 1760s

HOWARD , David P  [HowardAllied Surname]
Born Va 1780-1790. Resided in Powhatan County with wife.   Ascendancy under research. Likely an Old line of Virginia and possibly Maryland, his ascendancy is as yet elusive. The P  may befor Patterson, and a Patterson female may help uncover this line. Patterson is a middle name present in the direct line sons for three generations following him.

MOOR/MOORE , Martha born Md 1787  [SwopeAllied Surname]
[This grandmother to Judge Samuel McCurdy Swope, was born circa 1787 in Maryland according to Census. Her family is under research. I suspect her to be part of the Scotch Irish Settlement in the southern portion of Adams, in lands disputed by the mason dixon survey, and closely associated with the Manor of Maske . She was married at Piney Creek, near Emmitsburg, Md. to James McCurdy, grandson of the James McCurdy immigrant. He inherited  his portion of the McCurdyfarm that is out Route 15 near Marsh Creek and in southern Adams County, Penna. The church was further south and over the Penna/Md border. See Relevant Page herein "The Manor of Maske" She is among Cynthia's most Wanted.

BAUGHMAN, Christian    [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived  1791  and He was born 1755 Baden Baden, died 1802 in Adams county, Penna.

SCHNEBELE, Elizabeth [wife to Christian Baughman]  [SwopeAllied Surname]
born about 1762 Germany, she died 1861 at 99 years in Adams County, Penna and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery. She was wife to Christian Baughman
SLENTZ, John  [SwopeAllied Surname]
Born 1792 in Penna. Settted Gettysburg and built first home there, on site of present courthouse. Despite this importance in the history of Gettysburg, his ascendancy is elusive to the extreme, although his suspected birth family [found in York -now Adams- County] is under vigorous research. 

STAIR, William Henry   [SwopeAllied Surname]
Born 3 Jan 1830 in Penna.  This ancestor is frustratingly hard to get hold of. He died too young to be head of household for any census, and no Stair family yields him,  the pre 1850 census' being devoid of names of family members beyond the family Head of Household.  His name may be an Americanized form of the German STOEHR, STEHR or STARR, but conversely he may be of British Isle ancestry, though this last scenario is felt less likely.

REINECKE  Otto Charles  Louis   [SwopeAllied Surname]
Arrived Baltimore from Germany 1868 . He worked in many parts of the US, Washington DC, San Francisco, New Jersey...and also was a merchant marine to Australia where he led the men in charging the Captain with mistreatment on arrival to port.  He met his bride, a daughter  of two long line Adams County Pennsylvanians in DC, and his children were born in DC and Jersey City.

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