of the Populating of Philadelphia [years 1682, 1698, 1700, 1776,
1800, 2000 and details in between ]
The evolving population and description of Philadelphia is presented
allowing us to imagine the Philadelphia our forebears encountered and presents
the known history of our foreears wiithin the cities details . The
timelines and histories on which it depends are given in Sources,
and Links and provide much more
information than this page provides. Scattered within the information are
comments on years of arrival to the port of our immigrants.
Our Surnames
of Philadelphia [Presented at end of text]
Philadelphia holds great importance as an urban and governmental
center in colonial and revolutionary history. But beyond this, Phily was
the port into which nearly all of our
Pennsylvania immigrants, arrived. They were recorded in Ship's lists
there, took the Oath of Allegiance there, were often naturalized there,
and in some instances made the town their home. Others tarried briefly,
arranging the necessary , buying the right to land, gather items, doing
what they must to allow their pioneering into Pennsylvania's
frontier or to allow them meet other members of their larger social
group known in Europe and to settle amongst them in their new country.
Philadelphia has relevance to both the Howard
allied and the Swope and Allied
We have amongst our forebears in the Howard
allied Ascendancy persons of wealth and influence arriving in the early
Quaker immigration commencing 1680 and who remained significant to Philadelphia
and the history of Pennsylvania itself until about 1800 at which
time our direct of the Howard allied Philadelphians removed to Virginia.
Our Howard allied surnames in Philadelphia are detailed here and gateway
to their own pages given.
In the Swope and Allied lines,
all our direct immigrant forebears whose date and port of entry is known
arrived to the port of Philadelphia minus two [James
and Polly McCurdy who planned to go there, but the ship
went off course landing at the mouth of the James, from which they travelled
north to Penna, and Otto Reincecke, the
last of our German forebears, who arrived to Baltimore in 1868 and
married in America a Penna German named Ella
Meals born in Adams County, Penna
and with long Adams County Pertinence in both her maternal and paternal
lines]. Unlike the Howard allied
in our lines, our Swope and Allied families
were part of the western migration occuring in the southernmost aspect
of Pennsylvania, although a few families DID have precense in Philadelphia;
The few families in the Swope allied ascendancy who remained in Philadelphia
are here detailed with gateway to their own pages likewise provided.
Eventually those directs of Philadelphia are absorbed into the families
who migrated west. |
History of
the Populating of Philadelphia
[ Broad and pertinent entries years 1682,
details in between ]
"The Algonquian tribes, Delaware & Shawnee, first occupied
this region, living in villages along the creeks & rivers before the
first Europeans arrived. Village populations ranged from 100
to 300 people, & these villages were moved frequently to support
population growth.
By 1609 Dutch and Swedish colonists had explored, traded, and farmed
along the Delaware River.
In 1615 a navigator from the Netherlands viewed the land site that
became Philadelphia.
A Dutch trading post and stockade were established within the present
limits of Philadelphia in 1623.
In the mid-1600's, several treaties were signed with the Indian tribes
for the purchase of their lands.
Between 1643 and 1681, Swedes and Dutch settled in the area,as well
as Finns and English. Most of them lived in cabins on good farming land
near the river. Fur and tobacco were their main commodities for trading."
In March 1681 Penn recieved the land grant to Pennsylvania from King Charles
II " Penn assigned a commission to select a location with suitable
water frontage on the Delaware River. ...Philadelphia is about 90
miles from the mouth of Delaware Bay on the Delaware River." 2
landed at New Castle, Delaware and arrived at the site to establish
the city, Philadelphia, in October 1682." 2In
establishing the city, Penn " planned a rectangular grid pattern on 1,200
acres between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. At this time, the plan
consisted of a 22- by 8-block grid pattern, a building and housing
layout, and potential for the city to grow. His plan also provided
an innovative urban planning design of four public squares (now parks)
and a town square (now City Hall). Penn's plan would influence the
future growth of Philadelphia and help set the urban planning pattern for
most later cities in America." 2
the original plan of Philadelphia, Penn placed a square of ten acres at
the intersection of Broad and High (now Market) streets, but in the
course of time the park was absorbed for building purposes, until only
Penn square remained, on which the Philadelphia public buildings have long
been in process of construction. These buildings were completed in 1892,
and on the summit of the dome there is to be placed a colossal bronze statue
of Penn, thirty-six feet high.'5
"When Wm. Penn came to Phila. in 1682 there were
about 100 persons in the city, most of them living in caves made in the
bluff fronting the river Delaware; the next year there were 80 houses,
and the population had increased to 500."1
In 1682 our
George Emlen 1st arrived
to Phily , apparantly one of the 2,000 Quakers who accompanied Wm
Penn's in his first of two crossings, and substantially increasing
its numbers.
1690 Philadelphia became the third largest port on the Atlantic Seaboard
in 1690.2
By 1698 much had changed. Gabriel Thomas of England,
published his "Narratives of Early Penna., & West Jersey"
1698. Of the city he remarks:
"Many fine houses in Phila. were built of brick, of three stories
high, and as many several families in each; there was also a fine Town
House, Market House & Prison." He also states that "about 20 fat bullocks
are killed every week, besides calves, sheep & hogs, to supply the
city." .....1
On Penn's second crossing [1699]
LOGAN accompanied him . Logan lived with Penn at the Slate House
on Second Street. After Penn returned to England, James Logan continued
to live there for some time. The house is shown to the Right.
1698: Quaker meeting House built, S. W. Corner Second and High (Market)
Streets, which was pulled down in 1755, and another erected, which
was demolished in 1808. 3
The first and second meeting houses are those which James
Logan attended; The second , at 3rd and Arch Streets, was where he
was buried, along with his son William, also are direct. The grave is lost,
and is felt to be under a parking lot.
Image info: William L. Breton, "Slate House
of Penn in Second Street, previous to its being
altered. so called, from the Roof and Pavement
in front being of slate." Watercolor, Athenæum
of Philadelphia, FromBryn
Mawr Colleges
Collection of Breton Watercolors |
" Egle, in his 'History of Pa.' says there were
700 houses and about 4500 population in the city in 1700; the names
of the streets in that section have many of them been changed since: Market
was formerly High; Chestnut was Wynne; Walnut, Pool; Race was first Longhurst,
then Sassafras, and finally, as it led to the race-course, it became Race;
Arch was Holme, then Mulberry, and was named Arch, because of the arch
over the gully at Front street (this arch was removed in 1721); Vine was
Valley; Spruce was Dock; Water was King; Callowhill was named for the second
wife of Wm. Penn. The cross streets were Delaware Front, Delaware Second
&c. up to Twelfth street which was called Broad, and next above was
Schuylkill Eleventh, Schuylkill Tenth, down to Schuylkill Front......"1
"Most settlers in the area now were Quakers or Friends from England,
but as the community developed into a thriving trade center, increasing
numbers of German, Scottish, and Irish immigrants arrived. The community
was incorporated as a city in 1701"2
The first bridge in the city, on Front Street, was a drawbridge over
Dock Creek built in 17002
"In the beginning, William Penn had encouraged road building in Philadelphia
(PhiladelphiaRoad south to Chester and Old York Road to the north).In the
1700's the road conditions were poor and travel grew heavier; about
30 miles per day was the limit a traveler could go." 2
1704 "First Presbyterian Church built, High Street and White Horse Alley
(Market and Bank Streets)".3 [This shows
the expanding Scotch and Scotch Irish population]
1709/10 Direct ancestor Bishop Hans Herr arrives with his wife and family
to Philadelphia. They tarry briefly, forging off into the fronteir near
future Lancaster, 70 miles away, then a wilds.
1710 "Christ Church, Protestant Episcopal, built on Second Street, above
Market; replaced by the present church in 1727."3
1715: " A club was formed called the Bachelors' Club, situate on the Delaware
shore above Gunners' Run. This was the first country club adjacent to the
city. "Bachelors' Hall," as it was commonly called, was made notorious
by its festivities."3
1717: Abraham Herr and
his wife Ana Barr arrive Philadelphia and set out to join his father
in the far west of the colony. Melchior Brenneman also arrives. He too
is a mennonite, and goes off into the frontier.
1720: Yost Swope and family is thought
to have arrived Philadelphia. He goes to what will become Lancaster County.
1725: John
Lein arrives before 1725 when he is influential in extablishing Heller's
church in Lancaster County.
1726: George and Veronica Dotterer
are present in Phila. They are associated with
Frederick Township, Philadelphia County and their son Michael, also our
direct, and his wife nee FISHER are present there also in 1726 when she
bears him a son. He and she died FrederickTownship, Montgomery County,
Penna [Montgomery was formed from Philadelphia]
1727: Casper
Spangler and family arrive Phila. They forge out to settle as farmers.
July 1731 Philadelphia Library founded.3
1728: John
Hoke and family arrive to Phila. They settle in Lancaster where he
is a weaver and minister.
1729: Frederick
Eichelberger and wife arrive Phily. They set off to settle the banks
of the Pequea in Lancaster County.
1732: John Bentz
arrives and sets off to settle [now] West Manchester Township, York County,
1733: "St. Joseph's Catholic Church, in Willing's Alley, Built"3
1733: Peter Troxell
and his wife and family arrive Phila. They first settled in Egypt,
Pa, then in Bucks County [now Lehigh
1735 George Emlen 2nd [born 1695] moved
into Fifth & Chestnut streets, opposite Indep. Hall, the
family home for many years . He was a succesful brewer and member Common
Council. It is not known whether he built the house near Camp Hill, Montgomery
county, which, while in the possession and occupancy of his son,
George Emlen 3rd became famous as Washington's headquarters.
1736 Michael
Quickel Arrives Phila. He died in York County.
1738: John Bender
appears to have arrived in Philadelphia by 1738. He was a cordwaine in
Philadelphia there.
1741: "The Great Conestoga Road (Philadelphia Wagon Road) to Lancaster,
nearly 70 miles away, was completed . This road was a major interior development,
and by mid-century it was the most frequently used highway in America."2
1742: "First Moravian Church built at the S. E. Cor. Race and Bread streets"
1743: "First German Church built in Race Street Below Fourth. St. Michael's
German Lutheran Church, corner of Fifth and Appletree Alley, built."3
1745: "April 15. The first theatrical performance given in Philadelphia,
in a storehouse, Water Street, near Vine."3
1748: John Humrichhausen
and wife arrive on SHip Judith to Penna. Initially residing in and
around York county, Penna., John Humrickhouse moved his family to
Germantown, Pa., in 1771. [Germantown is now part of Phila proper]
1762 first epidemic in 1762 with yellow fever.2
By 1774, Philadelphia's importance was well established and it was the
military, economic, and political center of the colonies.
1776: "By 1776, the Province of Pennsylvania had become
the third largest English colony in America, though next to the last to
be founded, Philadelphia had become the largest English-speaking city in
the world next to London. There were originally only three counties: Philadelphia,Chester,
and Bucks. By 1773 there were eleven. Westmoreland, the last new county
created before the Revolution, was the first county locatedentirely west
of the Allegheny Mountains. The American Revolution had urban origins,
and Philadelphia was a center of ferment. Groups of artisans and mechanics,
many loyal to Benjamin Franklin, formed grassroots leadership. Philadelphia
was a center of resistance to the Stamp Act (1765) and moved quickly to
support Boston in opposition to the Intolerable Acts, in 1774. "6
September 1777 to May 1778, the British occupied Philadelphia, the capital
of the new Nation, while Congress met in the town of York2
1782: First Hebrew Synagogue built, Cherry Street, above Third.3
"Many roads were constructed in the city during the late 1700's, such as
the Germantown and Reading roads and the Ridge Pike, which broke
through the grid pattern of the city streets. Roads that fanned out from
Philadelphia in 1790 were in poor condition, with deep holes and ruts.
"1793, an epidemic of yellow fever was raging again in Philadelphia. This
epidemic brought death to a tenth of the population in one of the
worst disasters to strike an American city. The disease affected not only
the population but business in the city. The persistent yellow fever returned
in 1794-1798, but it was not as severe as in 1793. Philadelphia immediately
started programs for improving sanitation and making the city cleaner.
Because of yellow fever reoccurrence in the city, a hospital was opened
in 1810 for contagious diseases."2
1793: First Universalist Church built in Lombard Street, above Fourth.3
1788: Steamboat navigated from Philadelphia to Burlington, New Jersey3
"A wooden bridge known as the "First Permanent Bridge" was constructed
across the Schuylkill at Market Street in 1804. A newly designed bridge
constructed at the Falls of Schuylkill in 1809 was known as the "The Chain
Bridge." By 1810 many bridges were built throughout the city, and the major
pikes had structured bridges. A railroad bridge was constructed over the
Schuylkill in 1838, replacing the old Gray's Ferry."2
1795 The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, the first in the United States,
opened.3 "The idea of a turnpike from Lancaster
to Philadelphia was visualized as a road of crushed stone construction
and 20 feet wide, a type of road not yet used in America. Tollgates
would be used to force payment and ensure the capital investment.
Road construction was completed in 1794, and in spite of the tollgates,
the cost of moving goods decreased."2
1797 Yellow Fever. Deaths, August-November, 1,292.2
1798 Yellow Fever. Deaths, August-November, 3,637.2
1800: Yellow Fever. Deaths, August-November, 1,0152
1802 : Yellow Fever. Deaths, August-November, 835.2
1806: "George Sherwood, living in Phila. Pa. in 1806,
says that at that time, he could count all the houses in Phila. from the
hill at Second and Market Sts.4
1810 "The first steam ferry boat used to convey passengers from Philadelphia
to Camden. "Camden" Captain Zeiba Kellam. Course, lower side
of Market Street to Cooper Street. " 2
1816 "Gas as an illuminant introduced. The first private residence in the
United States lighted by gas was that of William Henry, coppersmith, at
No. 200 Lombard Street, near Seventh. "2
By this time the Charles Logan line [our only yet remaining directs
in Philadelphia ] is more firmly involved with Virginia, and Pennsylvania
is becoming "the old state", although evidence of frequent travel between
the two locales is evident in Quaker meeting records involving the Charles
Logan family. While it is true that siblings to our direct Charles
Logan [ born in Philadelphia and emmigrant to Virginia ] remained
in Philadelphia and were influential there, our own line, whether Swope
or Howard allied, no longer has significant precense in the town.
Charles Logan removed to Virginia in the 1790s, though his children are
sometimes "of Philadelphia" in records after that date, including our own
Harriet Logan, his daughter, who is "of Philadelphia' in the 1805
will of her brother. She married two Virginians, and last record of her
is in 1854 when she wrote through an attorney in Richmond to her sons in
Texas. 4 of Charles Logan's 6 children made Virginia
their permanent home, while one son was a "merchant of Penna" and died
young in 1805, and another has a wife who died in Philadelphia. .
The cause of Charles' emmigration, when he was of a family of wealth
and prominence, is not known to me as yet. What does appear evident is
that there is nothing in the Virginia records that indicate that he was
either influential or terribly wealthy there. Possibilities
for his removal include the persecution of the pacifist Quakers of Philadelphia
causing an exile of some prominent members to Philadelphia in the time
of the Revolution broadening a business climate in that locale, but this
thesis is lessened by the casting out of many of his immediate family from
the Quaker Meetings of Virginia. Another possibility exists in
the Yellow fever epidemics of Philadelphia in the years surronding
Charles Logan's first precense in Virginia. The populace of Philadelphia,
when wealthy enough and able, frequently retreated to country homes and
estates when an epidemic hit. Perhaps it was in this climate that a young
Charles Logan thought to seek more healthful existence elsewhere.
Although without Philadelphians after this time, and with no Howard
allied directs in Pennsylvania at all anylonger, our Pennsylvania precense
in directs via the Swope and allied ascendancy is robust in Lancaster,
1818 Act of Legislature passed "providing for the education of poor children
at the public expense in the city and county of Philadelphia, forming the
"first School District of Pennsylvania.""
"By 1821 Philadelphia had a network of paved toll highways from the
city to New York City, Reading, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and into
New Jersey. "2
1820: Yellow Fever. Deaths, September, 67.2
1824 "A census taken in 1824 showed that the city contained fifty-five
printing offices, one hundred and fifty printers"2
" After the revolution, Philadelphia had canal projects under way to reach
the interior lands. The Schuylkill Canal was completed in 1825, reaching
from Fairmont to Port Carbon above Reading, a total length of 108 miles.
Coal and supplies were transported to and from Philadelphia. The Lehigh
Coal Canal started operating in 1827 but had downstream navigation
only for 56 miles. "2
1832: "cholera epidemic with over 900 reported deaths".2
1832: "Race riots between whites and blacks at and adjacent to a flying
horse exhibition (carousel) South Street above Seventh. Three hundred special
constables sworn in to quell the nightly riots."2
"The Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad first opened 20 miles of
track west of Philadelphia in 1832, and by 1834 the entire 82-mile
line was completed. Soon railroads such as the Philadelphia and Germantown,
Philadelphia and Trenton, Philadelphia and Erie, and Philadelphia and Reading
were completed. By 1840 the rail connection to New York and the Philadelphia,
Wilmington, and Baltimore to the south had been completed, which provided
Philadelphia with greater access to goods and commerce. "2
1835: "Riots. Houses inhabited by African-Americans, in the neighborhood
of Shippen (Bainbridge) and Eighth Streets, sacked. " 2"Typhus
broke out several times in the 1840's, causing over 200 deaths. Again in
1849 the cholera epidemic brought the death toll to over 1,000." 2
1838: "Shelter for Colored Orphans, Thirteenth Street, above Callowhill,burned
by a mob. " 2
"Throughout Philadelphia a dense network of street railways existed
in the 1850's, and by 1880 the city led all American cities in the length
of its horse-car lines." 2
1842: "Abolition Riots. African Presbyterian Church, St. Mary's Street,
and Smith's Hall, Lombard Street, burned. "2
1843: "Weavers' Riots in Kensington, (Germantown Avenue and Master Street).
Rioters assemble at "The Nanny Goat" Market, Washington (American)
Street north of Master. Sheriff's posse assailed and beaten. Rioters later
dispersed by General Cadwalader's brigade." 2
1844; Spring and early summer marked by Riots in n Kensington and
1845 In response to Riots: "the city of Philadelphia and the incorporated
districts of Spring Garden, Northern Liberties and Penn, and the township
of Moyamensing are required to establish and maintain police forces of
"not less than one able-bodied man for one hundred and fifty taxable
inhabitants" for the prevention of riots and the preservation
of the public peace. "2
1849: "May 30. Cholera commenced. Ended September 8th. Deaths, 1012."2
2000 shows Philadelphia's population at 1,517, 550
Allied] ,
Allied] , Reed[Howard
Allied] , Garrett[Howard
Allied] , Logan[Howard
Allied] , Dotterer[Duddra]
Allied] ,
Fisher [Fischer]
Allied] ,
Allied] ,
George [HowardAllied
Surname] to Philadelphia in 1682. His Granddaughter
Hannah Emlen married William Logan of Philadelphia in 1740. Hannah's brother
was George Emlen, whose silver salver is pictured to the right.
"the George Emlen Salver,
a large silver salver byRichard Humphreys of Philadelphia with engraving
attributed to JamesSmither. Circa 1775, the engraved portion features the
monogram of George Emlen IV, the eldest child of George and Ann Emlen of
Philadelphia, who owned several residences and whose family first arrived
in Philadelphia in 1682. The present example is the largest known marked
Philadelphia salver of the rococo period and is of a design comparable
to two pairs engraved with the Washington crest at Mount Vernon.
Several other items were purchased from Humphreys by Emlen,all en suite
with the present lot, and are included in the collection of the Philadelphia
Museum of Art. The Emlen Salver is estimated to sell for
$200/300,000." [Sotheby's
announcement of pending auction]
[Howard Allied
Alone Bought 500 acres from Penn, came to
America between 1681-1686 it appears. Ascendancy under research. See Bucks
County and our Ancestors involved there.
REED, Charles
[Howard Allied
Said by some to be born about 1660 in Burlington
NJ. Father said to be Thomas of that place. The history
of Quaker occupation of Burlington and its environs seems to disallow
his birth in that place, but he may have been associated with it before
his marriage 1690, in Bucks County.
GARRETT , William
[Howard Allied
apparantly emmigrated to Darby , Penna. sometime
before 1694. Daughter Hannah married 1694 in Philadelphia
KIRK, Ann [HowardAllied
apparantly emmigrated to Darby , Penna. sometime
before 1694 with husband William Garrett. Daughter Hannah married
1694 in Philadelphia. Ann's ascendancy is under research.
James [Howard Allied
Arrived Phily 1699.
James Logan, a poor Quaker, emmigrated as
William Penn's secretary and in company of same on Penn's second and final
voyage to his Colony. As William Penn's Secretary, this entral and
most prominent of Early Pennsylvania Citizens: agent, book-keeper, steward,
Surveyor and Receiver General, Councillor, and later Judge and Governor,
early, and largely due to his role as Surveyor, became 'the wealthiest
man in the colonies" and his book collection, the then largest in all the
colonies, was often accessed by a young Ben Franklin, and was by James
Logan presented to the city of Philadelphia. It is because of him, a remarkably
able diplomat on behalf of his employer with the native American
population, that the Mingo Chief James Logan took that name. It is also
because of him that the Delaware [Lenni Lenape] felt cheated in "the Walking
Treaty" , were forced to the west, encountered the French in the Ohio Valley,
and came back in the 1750s to terrorize the frontier and sparsely inhabited
interior of colonial Pennsylania. He also is credited with being the inventor
of the Conestoga wagon, bringing worth beyond now understood alliance
with our other pioneering American lines. Beyond being an avid reader,
he was a writer in Scientific Journals, a translator of texts from Latin,
and , as a result of his guidance to Linneaus in botanical knowledge, his
close friend and correspondant, "had named for him an order of herbs
and shrubs 'Loganiaceae', containing thirty genera in over three hundred
and fifty species. He was a close student of scientific phenomena and contributed
a number of papers, now in the Transactions of the American Philosophical
Society, on the result of his scientific observations " [John W Jordan,
L.LD, Colonial & Revolutionary Families of Pennsylvania; Geneological
and Personal Memoires, Vol. I] His line does not appear, as some
will claim, to align directly with the Logans of Restalrig in which
line existed the 7th Laird of Restailrig, dug from his grave, hauled
into court, and posthumously attainted being found guilty of
conspiracy to kidnap James VI of Scotland, later James I ,
of England in the earliest years of the 17th century. That Logan line rises
directly to the the protective and intimate side of the Scots Kings of
the early14th century and misty, unsubstantiated
claims are made that Admiral Logan of the late 14th married a [Claimed
, Unlikely , Unproven and probably mythological Wife and Daughter]
Stewart Princess, dtr of Robert II Scotland.
James Logan does, however, rise through
his maternal heritage into the Peerage of Scotland and some of its most
notable names, including DUNDAS, DOUGLAS, HAMILTON , FRASER, De HAYA, HOME
etc. See Pennsylvania and our Pennsylvanians,
and Our Peers and Royals Within the Vines.
James Logan's son William
Logan, also our direct, continued service to the Penn family, acting
as provincial councellor and their attorney. He married Hannah Emlen, daughter
of our first Pennsylvania Immigrant, mentioned above.
George Philip [Sometimes found as George Philip DUDRA] [SwopeAllied
died 1741 Frederick Township, Philadelphia
County, penna. His wife, Veronica died 1752 Frederick Twp.,
Philadelphia [no anscendancy known for her] Surname precense
to 1726: This husband and wife team came from Germany to Penna. Their son
Michael died in FrederickTownship, Montgomery County, Penna. in 1786. [Montgomery
County is located approximately twenty miles west of Center City Philadelphia,
and the county was formed in 1784 from Philadelphia] Michael's daughter,
our direct, Anna Sophia, was born In philadelphia in 1726. She died in
Littlestown Penna in 1790.
Maria . [SwopeAllied
Present by 1726 when she bore
Anna Sophia DOTTERER in Philadelphia to her husband Michael DOTTERER, son
of George Philip above.Anna Maria and her husband are said to have married
in Pennsylvania. [no anscendancy known for her] She died 1781
in FrederickTownship, Montgomery County, Penna.
BENDER, Jacob [the
Senior] [Penter] [SwopeAllied
appears to have arrived in Philadelphia in
1738. He was a cordwaine in Philadelphia. His son, also named Jacob, married
/Anna SCHNEIDER, and they produced our direct, sister to the Bender
brothers who founded Bendersville, Adams County Pennsylvania.
Our direct likewise lived in that area. See Philadelphia
and our Philadelphians.
HUMRICKHOUSE, John [SwopeAllied
Arrived 1748 on SHip Judith to Penna. Initially
residing in and around York county, Penna., John Humrickhouse moved
his family to Germantown, Pa., in 1771. Two sons and one son in law fought
in the Revolution. Germantown was , at the time of his residence, apart
from Philadelphia, and is now a portion of urban Philly.
Sources For This
1. "An Historical Genealogical Account of
Andrew Robeson"by Susan Stroud Robeson assisted by Carolin Franciscus Stroud.
Compiled, Edited and Published by Kate Hamilton Osborne. Philadelphia:
J B Lippincott Company, 1916. Cites Egle's "Hist. of Pa." p. 1021.
2. USGS [U.S. Department of the Interior
|| U.S. Geological Survey] Historical
Information for Philadelphia
Timeline, 1646-1899 Compiled by Rudolph J. Walther [EXTENSIVE, DETAILED]
"An Historical
Genealogical Account of Andrew Robeson"by Susan Stroud Robeson assisted
by Carolin Franciscus Stroud. Compiled, Edited and Published by Kate Hamilton
Osborne. Philadelphia: J B Lippincott Company, 1916.
6. From Pennsylvania
on the Eve of Colonization
Outside These Pages:
Images of Philadelphia Links:
Documentation of Place in Greater Philadelphia[ images, documents,
tools, and links] from Bryn Mawr College which includes
L. Breton Views from the early part 19th century [Watercolors,
drawings, and prints at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Athenaeum
of Philadelphia, the Library Company of Philadelphia, and other locations]
See also Photographs[and
page 2] taken by Robert Newell, from the Library Company of Philadelphia
Journal of Early Philadelphian Closely associated with our Howard
Allied Lines there:
WIster's Journal [a Quaker writes of Phila and the revolution
she experienced]
Describes Philadelphia and includes mention of some of
our relatives in the Logan line
Philadelphia History Links:
A Brief
History of the Town from its formation and regarding its layout and
development, also
Green Country Towne (1903)By Rev. S. F. Hotchkin
Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Written
circa 1830-1850
Dutch Arts and some history on Phila
Short History of Phladelphia [ presented in Timeline[ A Good
and brief historical timeline]
County, Penna from Genweb [ loads of links relevant to Geneological
Research and History required for its study]
All Pages of Within the Vines
are Copyright Protected. See Terms of Use
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