[Johannes Schwob/Schwab
(John Swope) [1704-1780]:
John married first Anna Dorothea Line /Lein, 2nd married Elizabeth (Catharina Elisabeth) GROVE (GROFF OR GREVE, GRAF, GRAEFF)
[links to both his marriages] |
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THE WILL OF John Swope includes Links from text to persons mentioned
JOHN SCHWOB [Johannes Schwob/Schwab:1704-1780]:
of the Township of Leacock in the County of Lancaster and Province of Pennsylvania
Potter being in good Health and sound Minde and Memory Thancks be given
unto God therfor calling unto Minde the Mortallity of my Body and knowing
that it is appointed for all Men once to die I do therefore hereby ordain
and make this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following.
In the first Place I order that all my just Debts and Funeral Charges be
paid satisfyed. I give and divise unto my Son
Jacob all that Messuage Plantation and Tract of Land whereon he
now lives containing by the Draught thereof One hundred and Thirteen Acres
and the usuale allowance, To be held by my said Son
Jacob his Heirs and assigns forever. I give and devise unto
Henry all that Messuage Plantation and Tract of Land whereon he
now lives lying on the Easterly End of my other Lands adjoining to the
lands of Moses Brinton and Frances Bukwalter containing by the Draught
thereof One hundred and Fifteen Acres and the usual allowance To be held
by my said son
Henry his Heirs and assigns forever. I give and devise unto my
Daniel all that Messuage Plantation and Tract of Land thereon I
now dwells containing by the Draught thereof One hundred and Thirteen Acres
and the usuall allowance To be held by my said Son
Daniel his Heirs and assigns for ever. I give and devise unto my
Adam all that Messuage and Tract of Land adjoining to the lands
of Peter Eaby, Benjemen Owen, Frances Bukwalter, Abraham Gibbons and other
Land hereby given to my other Sons, containing by the Draught thereof One
hundred and eleven Acres and the usuall allowance, To be held by my
Said Son Adam
his Heirs and assigns for ever. And I do hereby order and direct that all
my Personal Estate whatsoever I shall die possessed of, and the Bonds Notes
Receits or Book Debts which are in my Possession at the Time of my Death
which my Children or Grand Children owe to me, shall be added together
without interest, and all Bonds Nots, Receits or Bank Debts of or owing
to me by other People with the Interest thereon due shall be added all
together in one whol Sum as aforesaid and I order and direct that my Grand
Children of my Daughter
Juliana late Wife of Natz Zwecker shall have and receive the Sum
of One hundred and Twenty five Pounds lawfull Money to be equaly divided
between them and paid out of the whol. And I also order that my
Daughter the Wife of John Hook shall have and receive the Sum of
One hundred and Twenty five Pounds lawful Money as aforesaid out of the
whole as aforesaid. And I also order that
Grand Daughter Juliana Schot shall have equal share whith my
Grand Children of my Daughter
Catherina late Wife of Ludwig Shot both whith the Hundred Pounds
the received and wat is to come. And I also order and direct that
Grand Daughter Juliana shall have equal Share of my Estate whith
Children of my Daughter Margrat, Wife of George Dial. And
Grand Daughter Catharina one Daughter of my Son George the Wife of Kasper
Bolzer shall have Fifty Pounds out of my Estat for her Share and
no more. And my
Grand Son John Shaup shall have and receive the Fifty Pound Bond
witch his Father
Peter Schaup give to me in his Life-Time and no more but if the
Shaup should die without Heirs, Then in such Case his Executers
or Administrators are to pay the said Bond of Fifty Pounds to my Executors
without interest to be devided to and amongst
my other Children and
Grand Children in Manner aforesaid. And also I order and devise that
the Remainder and
page 1357
Residue thereof to be equaly devided between
Conrad and
all my Daughters and
my Grand Children of my Daugthers as are dead or such as should die before
me, the Grand Children are to take such an equall Share as ther Father
or Mother had a Right to if they were living. And my said Sons Jacob,
and Adamshall
have no Share in the General Devition of my Personal Estate as aforesaid.
And lastly I do hereby make constitut and ordain my three Sons Jacob,
and Daniel to be Executors
and appoint them Guardians of all my Grand Children of them that is undereach,
to have the Care and Management of the Estate of this my Last Will and
Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow revok and disanull all and
every other former Testament Wills Legeces and Executors by me in ways
before this Time named willed and bequeathed allowing this to be my last.
IN WITNESS thereof ÝI have hereunto set my Hand and Seal
the 22nd January
One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy nine 1779.
Signed Sealed declared by the said John Schwob as and for the Last Will and Testament in Presence of us the Subscribers.John Schwob
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