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Evidences of the Bentz-Pentz Families in York County [PA] Before the Year 1850 |
N 17 1760 Philip Bence.
Cannot be found.
N 4 1785 Philip Bentz.
Shows balance of 1386 16/ 5d 1q.
D 1 1786 Weyrich Bentz
Sr., personal estate totals
L2301 19/ 7-1/2d.
N 29 1787 Joseph Bentz (1st
Balance of L299 9/.
N 29 1788 Joseph Bentz (2nd
Balance of L271 12/ 3d.
N 16 1805 Anna Maria Bentz
of York Borough.
Balance of L316 3/ 2d. (Wills J, 285)
My 21 1806 John Bentz (or Pentz)
of Washington Township.
Balance of L3637 8/ 3d. (Wills L, 186)
Ja 4 1808 John Pentz (2nd account)
Balance of L3463 6/ 4d.
F 1 1810 George Bentz
of York Township (1st account)
Balance of L384 11/ 11d.
N 12 1816 George Bentz of York
Township (2nd account)
Jl 2 1819 Michael
Bentz of West Manchester Township.
Balance of $2400.67.
My 28 1824 Peter
Bentz of Conewago Township (1st account)
O 1 1824 Frederick Bentz
of Hanover Borough (1st account)
Balance of $2951.81-1/2.
Ja 11 1825 Weirich Bentz of West
Manchester Township.
Balance of $1400.85-1/2.
N 30 1825 John Bentz of York
Ag 8 1826 Andrew Bentz of Codorus
Balance of $28.51.
Mr 1 1830 Frederick Bentz of
Hanover Borough (2nd account)
Balance of $3112.46-1/2.
Mr 3 1830 Peter
Bentz of Conewago Township (2nd account)
Balance of $981.76-3/4.
Ap 2 1833 Frederick Bentz Jr.
of Hanover.
Balance of $2248.84-1/2.
Ap 4 1833 Frederick Bentz Sr.
of Hanover.
Balance of $2079.72.
Ag 8 1836 Jacob Bentz of Warrington
Account stands balanced.
Ja 4 1837 Margaretta Pentz
of Manchester Township.
Barnitz & Kane report balance of $4174.92.
My 20 1841 John Pentz of Carroll
Balance of $1563.23-1/2.
F 10 1846 Jacob Pentz of Carroll
Balance of .79.
F 25 1848 Catharine Pentz of
Carroll Township.
Balance of $876.92-3/4.
Ja 2 1849 Elizabeth Pentz of
Carroll Township
(guardianship of).
Balance of $1332.18.
G 268 Ap 11 1788. Estate of John Bentz
of Warrington
Township. Michael Bentz, administrator. Tenet in
L300. No inventory on file.
2F 35 Jl 22 1817. Estate of John
Bentz of York Borough.
Nicholas Diehl, administrator. Tenet in $1500.
Decedent was a single man.
2H 17 My 10, 1823. Estate
of Peter Bentz of Conewago
Township. Michael
York Borough & John
Bentz of
Township, administrators, sons of decedent.
Tenet in $2000. Widow renounced.
Inventory &
Vendue List filed Ag 20 1823.
2H 100 S 18 1823. Estate of Michael Bentz
of West Manchester
Township, Martin Ziegler administrator d.b.n.c.t.a.
Tenet in $1000.
2H 275 My 28 1824. Estate of Michael Bentz
of West
Manchester Township, Ignatius Leitner administrator
d.b.n.c.t.a. Tenet in $1400.
2L 106 Ap 7 1832. Estate of Frederick Bentz
Sr. of Hanover.
Michael Doudel administrator pendente lite. Tenet in
2M 166 Mr 28 1835. Estate of Jacob Bentz
of Warrington
Township, Jacob Jr. & George Bentz administrators.
Tenet in $2000. Inventory filed Mr 28 1835.
2O 261 Jl 15 1844. Estate of Jacob Bentz
of Carroll
Township, Gerrit Baish administrator. Tent in $800.
Inventory filed Ag 5 1844.
2E 131 Je 3 1815. Estate of Henry Pentz
of Warrington
Township, John Asper & George Pentz administrators.
Tenet in $1200. Sally Pentz, widow, renounces.
2J 133 Ap 19 1826. Estate of Elizabeth
Pentz of York
Borough, Daniel Pentz administrator. Tenet in $450.
Inventory filed My 22 1826.
2N 195 F 3 1841. Estate of John Pentz of
Carroll Township,
David Pentz & David Weaver administrators. Bond book
2P 65 Estate of Catharine Pentz of
Carroll Township, David
Weaver administrator. Tenet in $3000. Inventory filed
with will Ja 14 1846.
2Q 224 D 9 1850. Estate of Michael Pentz
of Warrington
Township, John Smith administrator. Tenet in $600.
Inventory filed Ja 6 1851.
E 149 Johan Philieb Bentz of York
Town, yeoman.
dated Ag 26 1780 probated Ja
9, 1781
wife Mary Elizabeth
issue Henry, Peter, Philip, Peter, Christian,
Elizabeth wife of Michael Hahn, Margaret wife
of Henry Yessler, Rosina wife of John Hahn.
granddaughter Margaret (daughter of Casper Balsley).
F 349 Joseph Pence (his mark) of
Warrington Township,
dated Ja 7 1785 probated Ap 12
wife Catharine
issue Michael, Henry, Catharine, Elizabeth, John,
Joseph, Mary, Philip
J 285 Anna Maria Bentz of York Town
(her mark)
(widow of Whyrich Bentz)
dated Ja 8 1787 probated MY 24
issue Christian, Anna Maria, Susanna, Elizabeth,
Salome, Ursula, Whyrich, Peter (Christian &
Anna Maria deceased, left issue)
son-in-law Abraham Trostle
L 166 John Pentz of Washington Township
(his mark)
dated Ag 4 1804 probated O 20
wife Philippina
issue Mary, John, George, Elizabeth, Henry,
Jacob, Susanna, Caty, David
granddaughter Betsy Beisher
L 323 Georg Bentz of York Borough
dated S 29 1805 probated D 10
wife Anna Maria
issue Barnet (has issue Daniel & Elizabeth),
John, Polly wife of Samuel Long, William,
Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Diehl, Jacob
O 1 Michel
of West Manchester Township yeoman
date 1811
probated Ja 10 1818
Peter, Jacob, Catharina wife of John Eighinger,
Elizabeth wife of John Schrom deceased.
grandchildren Thomas Himes, Mary Himes
O 286 Margrat
Pentz of West Manchester Twp yeoman
(her mark)
dated Ja 14 1819 probated N 18
sister Magdalena (Relet?) widow of John Hubley
O 338 Weirich Bentz of West Manchester
dated S 6 1817 probated Mr 24 1821
wife Margaret
"Catharine Kane who lives with me and whom I
purchased as a German Redemptioner."
She whom I have named Margaret Bentz, the wife
of Godlove K. Kane tallow-chandler.
Godlove K. Kane was brother of Catharine Kane.
P 287 Andreas Bentz of Codorus Township,
dated Je 28 1825 probated
Ag 22 1825
issue Michael, Barbara wife of Jacob Mayer,
Margaret wife of Peter Simon, Elizabeth
wife of George Kop, Polly wife of Jonas
Renoll, Catharine wife of David Becker,
George, Andrew, Susanna, Magdalena.
Q 404 Frederick Bentz (his mark)
dated Apr 2 1831 probated Ja
3 1832
sister Elizabeth Reese (her daughters Susanna
Malone, Mary Jeffery)
Elizabeth wife of Henry Reese
Gustavus Wampler
Lydia Trone
son Frederick deceased
Nicholas Neyman
Presbyterian Church of Hanover
John Malone
John Myer
wife Barbara
Jacob Harbee & wife of German Twp, Adams Co.
R 102 Margareta Pentz widow
dated Jan 10 1831
codicil Je 10 1834 probated Ag
21 1834
friends Margaret Brown (who lives with me),
Catharine Kane wife of Robert Simmons,
Godlove K. Kane & wife
S 528 Nuncupative will of Catharine
Pence of
Carroll Township
made D 6 1845 probated D 26 1845
she died D 8 1845
sister Sally
three children (at least one daughter).
1. (Wills E, 149). Estate of Johan
Philip Bentz lists
11 Loan Office
Certificates, valued (with interest)
at L2475 (depreciated).
One of the executors signs
his name 'Henry
Pentz'. Filed F 8 1781.
2. (Wills F, 109). Estate of Weyrich
Bentz lists 4 Loan
Office Certificates
valued at L712 10/ (depreciated).
3. (Wills F, 349). Estate of Joseph
Pence. Filed Ap 12 1785.
Nothing of particular
4. (Wills J, 285). Estate of Anna
Maria Bentz. Filed Jl 25 1796.
F 63 N 4 1786. Jacob Bentz (aged
16) & Christina (aged 14),
children of late Christian of York County yeoman, are
made wards of their uncle Weyrich Bentz.
F 64 D 1 1786. Hugh Morthland
& Frederick Harman are
made guardians of Catharine (13), Elizabeth (11), John
(7), Joseph (5), children of late Joseph Bentz of
Warrington Township.
F 90 Mr 28 1787. Errors in
account of estate of Weyrich
Bentz Sr are corrected.
F 97 My 26 1787. Further corrections.
F 118 S 11 1787. Catharine (14) daughter
of Joseph Bentz
deceased chooses Philip Morgan as guardian.
F 126 S 13 1787. Weyrich Bentz guardian
of Mary (11)
& John (9) issue of late Christian Bentz.
F 133 N 28 1787. In re: F, 118 -
executors of Joseph
Bentz produce certificate of Rev. Nicholas Kurts
to show that she is not yet 14, and other
guardians are appointed.
F 134 N 29 1787. Catharine Morgan
(late Bentz) is an
executrix of estate of Joseph Bentz.
F 259 My 26 1790. Catharine Bentz
(16) daughter of
Joseph chooses Michael Bentz as guardian.
F 279 F 23 1791. Elizabeth Pentz
(14) daughter of
Joseph chooses Philip Morgan as guardian.
F 308 My 31 1791. Citation against
Philip Morgan to
show cause why he should not be removed as
guardian (F 279), since he is in ruinous
circumstances & obtained the guardianship
by fraud and imposition.
F 309 Eodem die. Citation on Michael
Bentz to show
cause why he should not be removed as guardian
(F 259), since he is principal debtor to the
minor & obtained the appointment by fraud &
F 318 Ag 30 1791. Elizabeth (16)
& Catharine (17) daus
of Joseph, choose Henry Sealey as guardian.
G 28 Je 26 1793. Morthland
& Herman guardians of
Catherine, Elizabeth, John (since dead) and
Joseph, issue of Joseph Pence, show balance of
L107 7/.
Catharine Morgan late widow of Joseph Pence prays
that a guardian be appointed for his son Joseph
(11). Henry Hull appointed.
G 383 D 27 1797. Abraham Trostle
executor of will of
Maria Bentz of York Borough shows balance of L398
6/ 2d. Confirmed.
J 49 Je 26 1804. Executors
of Joseph Bentz show
balance of L227 3/ 7d. Confirmed.
J 316 Mr 24 1807. Frederick Wealer
of Washington
Township appointed guardian of Susanna (19) &
Catharine (16) daughters of late John Pentz. Henry
Deardorff guardian of David Pentz (14 & upwards)
son of late John Pentz.
K 113 My 15 1810. Estate of George
Bentz shows
balance of L1090 5-1/2d. charged to Anna Maria
Bentz executrix.
M 138 Ap 8 1817. On petition of Sally,
widow of Henry
Bentz, Frederick Klugh is appointed guardian of
Henry's issue Margaret, Sally, John & Henry, all
under 14.
M 318 S 15 1818. Asper & George
Bentz, administrators
Henry Bentz, show balance of $1430.87-1/2.
N 467 D 17 1822. Peter
Bentz & Weigle, executors of
Bentz, show balance of $1815.22. Confirmed.
O 69 Ag 4 1823. Petition sets
forth that Peter Bentz
of Conewago Township intestate left widow
issue: Michael, John,
of John Fry,
wife of George Shettle, Susanna
wife of
John Reeser. Own plantation of 250 acres, tract
of 150 acres of woodland along Big Conewago.
Inquest awarded.
O 78 Ag 7 1823. Auditors appointed
for estate of
Michael Bentz, testate.
O 91 S 16 1823. Auditors report
balance of
O 117 O 30 1823. Order of sale awarded
(on O, 69).
O 358 F 15 1825. Report of sale on
O 500 F 14 1826. Report of sale on
P 87 F 13 1827. Further report
of sale on above.
P 190 Ja 10 1828. Further report
of sale on above.
P 248 My 13 1828. Further report
of sale on above.
Q 112 Ja 5 1830. Further report of
sale on above.
Q 134 Apr 5 1830. Petition sets forth
that Henry Bentz
of Washington Township intestate left widow
(since dead), issue Margaret wife of John Smith,
Sarah wife of John Mitzel, John & Henry (last two
minors). Owner of 100 acres. Inquest awarded.
Q 165 Ag 3 1830. All heirs refuse
to accept estate
of Henry Bentz of Warrington Township &
order of sale is awarded.
Q 188 S 7 1830. Sale of same reported,
for $1400.
R 23 N 6 1832. Kane & Barnitz
executors of
Weirich Bentz are summoned to render account
of guardianship of John, son of late Christian
R 348 Ja 7 1834. Administrator pendente
lite of estate
of Frederick Bentz Sr. shows balance of $52.50.
S 32 Ag 4 1835. Petition sets
forth that Jacob Bentz
of Warrington Twp. owned 260 acres, left issue
Jacob, George, Rebecca wife of Andrew Shearer,
Mary wife of John Slothauer, Elizabeth, Eve,
Catharine, Leah, David. Inquest awarded.
S 41 Ag 4 1835. Samuel Knisely
guardian of David,
Leah & Andrew, above-mentioned S 139 D 10
1835. Return of inquest & decrees of land to
Jacob & George Bentz.
T 429 My 4 1841. Mumper appointed
guardian of Mary
Ann & Amanda, & Groff of Elizabeth, daughters
of late John Pentz of Carroll Twp., on
application of their mother Catharine Pentz.
T 452 Ag 3 1841. Henry Logan appointed
for the above Elizabeth, who is under 14.
U 398 Ag 6 1844. Petition sets forth
that Jacob Pentz of
Carroll Twp. intestate, owner of 196 acres, left
widow Elizabeth, issue George, Jacob, David,
John, Henry (minor, a ward of James Porter Esq.),
Mary (deceased, left issue Jacob & Elizabeth
Evans), Elizabeth wife of Martin Brandt of
Cumberland County, Susan wife of Garret Baish,
Sarah, Lucy Ann. Inquest awarded.
U 401 Ag 7 1844. Porter appointed
guardian of above
Sarah, Lucy Ann & Henry Pentz, minors above
14 years of age.
U 423 S 17 1844. Return of Inquest
(U, 398)
U 424 Property is decreed to John
the oldest son &
Jacob the second
425 son.
V 207 S 15 1846. Micah Arnold appointed
guardian of
Elizabeth & Mary Ann Pentz minors above 14,
whose mother left them as small estate by will.
V 208 He is also appointed guardian
of Amanda Pentz,
under 14, dau of late Catharine Pentz, on
petition of said decedent's sister Sarah Weaver.
W 249 Ag 10 1848. Petition of Benjamin
Ziegler sets
forth that his niece Martha Melinda (between 12
&13) dau of the late George Pentz of York
Borough has no "Guardian to take Care of her
estate, of which she has some expectations in
the State of Ohio." Killian Small is appointed
G 255 Jl 13 1776. Valentine Lebhard
& Abalona his wife:
to Philip Bentz of York County yeoman: for L200:
180 acres in Hellam Twp.
G 343 O 22 1782. Andrew Anigh &
Barbar his wife:
to Weyrich Bentz of York Town yeoman: for
L37 18/ 6d.: eastern half of lot #12 in York.
Satisfied by W.B.'s estate S 3 1783.
G 394 Ag 11 1783. Weyrich Bentz &
Jacob Sittler:
to the estate of Weyrich Bentz of York Town
yeoman: for L950: 141 acres whereon said
Weyrich now lives, in York Twp. Satisfied
Je 12 1784.
G 507 O 22 1784. Alexander Ramsay
of Dover Twp.
farmer: to Henry Bentz of York Town: for L45
17/ 9d: 211 acres in Dover Twp. Satisfied (as
Henry Pentz) O 19 1785.
H 84 Ap 5 1786. Philip Morgan
of Warrington
Twp. & Catharine his wife: to Henry Pence
of Monaghan Twp. (son of Joseph): for L60:
145 acres 46 perches. Satisfied O 2 1789
(signed Henry Benss).
H 282 D 20 1788. Nicholas Pence of
Paradise Twp.
yeoman: to Michael Ege: for L301 9/: 203 7/8
acres in Codorus Twp.
J 10 N 16 1792. Berndhard Benss
of York Twp. farmer:
to George Bentz of the same, farmer: for L1192: a
tract in Manchester Twp. deeded to the mortgager
by the estate of Philip Jacob King on My 2 1792.
Satisfied Ja 30 1796 (as Georg Benss).
J 42 Ap 6 1793. Philip Miller
of York Twp.: to Henry
Bentz of York Borough slaughterer: for L38 3/ 2d:
39 acres 115 perches in Newberry Twp.
J 298 Jl 14 1795. Bernt Benss of
York Borough yeoman:
to Lorentz Schultz Jr.: for L155: southern half
of lot #205 in York. Satisfied by assignee of
mortgagee Mr 30 1796.
J 337 Ap 15 1796. Henry King: to
George Bentz of York
Twp. yeoman: for L1150: 145 acres 116 perches in
York Twp. Satisfied (as Georg Benss) Ap 1 1802.
K 356 ----- 1802. Andrew Robinson
Esq: to George Pence of
York Borough farmer: for L1000: 128-1/4 acres in York
Twp., part of land which Geo. Bentz & Anna Maria his
wife sold to Henry King on Ap 15 1796.
L 136 Ap 3 1806. Nicholas Diehl:
to Anna Maria Bentz et
al: for L174 7/ 8d: 32 acres in York Twp.
O 531 F 12 1825. George Hoober: to
Jacob Bentz of
Warrington Twp.: for $650: 169 acres 100 perches in
Warrington Twp.
R 57 Ap 14 1843. Wm. Stretch:
to Joseph Bentz of
Warrington Twp.: for $1047.20: 92 acres in
Warrington Twp.
VII. Deeds
A 362 My 23, 32nd Geo.II (1759). Archibald
& Jean his wife: to Jacob Benss of Earl Township
Lancaster County saddler: for $280: 201 acres on
Bermudian Creek.
A 413 My 13, 33rd Geo.II (1760).
Jacob Doudle & Anna
Maria his wife: to Philip Bens of Hellam Twp.
yeoman: for L210: lot #122 in York Town.
A 492 F 13, 1st Geo.III (1761). Philip
Bens of York
Town yeoman & Marilis his wife: to Conrad
Gentzler: for L120: eastern half of lot #122.
B 76 My 3, 3rd Geo.III (1763).
Peter Koontz: to Philip
Rothrock & Philip Bens of York County yeomen:
for L80: assignment of grantor's interest in
estate of his father Michael Koontz of Helllam
B 134 Ag 31, 3rd Geo.III (1763),
Nicholas Peery &
Mary his wife: to Philip Bens of York Town
yeoman: for L100: 50 acres "in any Part of the
said Province (of Pennsylvania) according to the
method of Townships appointed not already
Surveyed or appropriated and purchased of the
Indians. The history of this grant as recited
in this deed is as follows: On S 15 1681 the
Honourable William Penn Esquire Proprietary
and Governor in Chief by indentures of lease
& release granted 5000 acres to John ap John
& Thomas Wynn, to be surveyed to them in
any part of the Province yet purchased of the
Indians, at a quitrent of 1/ per hundred acres.
Mr 11 1682 they sold 500 acres therof to Richard
Crosby. The latter left two children, John Crosby
& Catharine Fairland. On D 17 1724 Catharine
Fairland, widow sold her interest to her brother
John Crosby, who by his will dated S 22 1750
left the tract to his sons John & Richard Crosby.
Then they (together with John Crosby Jr's wife
Elizabeth) on Mr 7 1761 sold the tract of 500
acres to Philip Epracht, who on Ag 7 1761
granted 150 acres thereof unto Nicholas Perce
Jr. Of this last tract of 150 acres the grant to
Philip Bens is a part, as yet unlocated and
D 321 My 1 4th Geo.III (1764). Peter
Koontz executes a
deed to Philip Rothrock & Philip Bens similar to
B, 76.
D 355 Mr 26 1771. John
Philip Bentz of York Town yeoman:
to Jacob Schultz: for L2: confirmation of a deed
whereby he had assigned to Adam Fishburn (on
My 16 1750, in consideration of L180) a
plantation in Hellam Twp. which Christian
Peidler had sold the grantor on Ap 9 1746.
D 357 O 31 1770. John
Bens of Dover Twp. yeoman &
his wife: to Stephen
Rietinger: for
L350: a warrant right granted the grantor N 22
1749, for 150 acres along the Conewago Creek in
Manchester Twp.
E 355 Ag 18 1773. George Bentz of
York Twp. yeoman:
to Elizabeth Holtzinger: for L9: 1 acre in York
Twp., part of a tract bought by the grantor from
Mathias Sitler nor earlier than the year 1766.
F 28 My 7 1774. Philip Rothrock
& wife, & John Philip
Bentz & Elizabeth he wife, all of York Co.: to
Michael Miller: for L130: their interest in B321.
G 136 My 25 1776. Christopher &
Gottlieb Lauman &
wives: to Weirigh Bentz: for L1350: 141 acres in
York Twp.
J 283 S 1 1795. Mark Milliken: to
Henry Pentz of York
Borough butcher: a mortgage held against George
O 372 Ja 19 1824. Executors of Weirich
Bentz (Barnitz
& Kane): to Jacob Schlosser: for $1 and a
mortgage: a lot in York bought by the decedant
My 1 1805 from Caleb Kirk.
P 84` My 10 1824. Wilhelm Gantz
of Jefferson Co.
Kentucky gives Philip Pence Jr. (of the same)
a power of attorney to collect a legacy in York
County, Pa.
2A 96 Ap 13 1778. John
Philip Bentz of York Town
in York County Yeoman & Elizabeth his wife: to
Henry Yesler: for L450: 302 acres in Dover Twp.
which was sold by sheriff to this grantor Ag 11
1770, as estate of Peter (Bentz) of Dover
who bought same from Lodowich Ripple &
Saville Maria his wife on Mr 3 1764.
2A 359 F 16 1767. John Wagner & Barbara
his wife:
to Philip Bens
of York Town yeoman & Michael
Hahn, locksmith: for L200: western half of lot
#123 in York Town.
2A 361 Jl 18 1780. John
Philip Bentz of York Town
yeoman: to Michael Hahn: for L210: his interest
in the above lot.
2A 366 S 9 1780. Estate of Peter Gootline
gives deed
to Peter
Bentz for land along Little Conewago in
Manchester Twp. bought by grantee on Ap 9 1764,
for L345.
2A 368 S 20 1780. John
Philip Bentz: to Leonard Lecron:
for 5/ and other considerations: assigned a deed in
which he was grantee.
2A 477 Ag 11 1781. Executors of Philip
Bentz of York
Town: to Michael Welsh: for L300: western half of
lot #122 in York.
2A 502 D 12 1781. Joseph Welshhantz &
Magdalena his
wife: to George Bentz of York Twp.: for L21
specie: a lot 65 x 460 feet in York Twp., known
as lot #4.
2B 103 D 14 1782. Jacob Miller of Paradise
Twp. &
Catharine his wife: to Henry Bentz of York Town
yeoman: for L170: southern equal third of lot
#105 in York Town.
2C 67 Je 10 1784. Jacob Sitler &
Elizabeth his wife
& Weyrich Bens of York Town yeoman &
Margaret his wife: to John Kaufman: for L650:
141 acres in York Twp., bought by Weyrich
Bents Sr. on My 25 1776 from Christopher
Lowman & wife, & the grantors bought the
land from the estate of Weyrich Sr. on Ag
11 1783.
2C 388 Jl 12 1785. Henry Pentz of York
Town slaughter
& Catharina his wife: to Martin Cronemiller: for L45:
lots #231 & 232, bought F 23 1784 from Jacob
Schnierer by the grantor.
2D 394 O 20 1786. Valentine Krantz &
Christiana his
wife: to Wyrich Bentz of York Town yeoman: for
L75: 6 acres 113 perches in York Twp.
2E 25 My 14 1787. Henry Pentz of
York Town slaughter
& Catharine his wife: to Charles Martin: for L50:
4 acres 127-1/2 perches, part of lot #12 in New
Garden, York Twp., which the grantor bought
F 3 1785 from a certain McClellan.
2E 112 F 3 1785. John McClellan: to Henry
Bentz of York
Town slaughterer: for L51: lot #12 in New Garden
(9 acres 97 perches).
2E 114 My 14 1787. Same as 2E, 25.
2E 115 Jl 26 1786. Philip Albright of York
Twp. miller: to
Henry Pentz of York Town slaughterer: for L10: 85
perches in York Twp.
2F 182 Ap 5 1786. Henry Benss of Monaghan
Twp. son
of late Joseph Pence: to Philip Morgan of
Warrington Twp. & Catherine his wife, late widow
of said Joseph: for L80: 143 acres which Joseph
willed to Henry, part of tract of 223-1/2 acres
at the head of Wolf's Run near Bermudian, in
Warrington Twp., bought by Joseph Pence
Ap 11 1770 from Jacob Haman. The other
80 acres were willed to Michael Pence.
2F 198 O 25 1789. Jacob Sittler of York
husbandman & Elizabeth his wife: to Wyrich Bentz
of York Borough yeoman: for L162 10/: 6 acres 88
perches in York Twp. along the Codorus.
2F 201 O 26 1789. Samuel Fahnestock &
Bentz make a bonded agreement concerning a plot
of 13 acres 16 perches in York Twp. along the
Cordorus which they jointly purchased.
2F 459 Je 15 1790. Jno. elder Jr. &
Elizabeth his wife:
to Peter Pentz & George Myer, both
of Newberry
for L105: 340 acres in Newberry Twp along
the Conewago.
2G 333 Ag 11 1783. Executors of Weyrich
Bentz: to
Weyrich Bentz & Jacob Sitler: for L1550: 141
acres in York Twp.
2G 447 S 21 1791. Weyrich Bentz of York
Borough &
Margaret his wife: to Jacob Sittler: for L175:
6 acres 88 perches bought previously from Jacob
Sitler and Elizabeth his wife.
2G 448 Je 6 1791. Henry Schultz & Magdalena
his wife:
to Weyrich Bentz & Jacob Sittler: for L1000
specie: 139 acres, as tenants in common, in
Manchester Twp.
2G 449 S 21 1791. Jacob Sittler of York
coopersmith & Elizabeth his wife: to Weyrich
Bentz: for L500: his interest in the above.
2G 452 O 30 1765. John Philip Bentz of
York Town
yeoman & Elizabeth his wife: to Jesse Falkner:
for L400: 142-3/4 acres in Hellam Twp. patented
on Ag 29 1765 to the grantor (Patent recorded
AA vol. 6 p. 473, in the Land Office).
2H 52 Ap 13 1784. John Wall &
Anna Maria his wife: to
Weyrich Bentz of York Twp. yeoman: for L160:
lot #98 in York Town.
2H 54 Mr 17 1792. Weyrich Benss of
York Borough &
Margaret his wife: to Estate of Philip Jacob King: for
L180: lot #98 in York Town.
2H 195 Mr 29 1792. Henry Pentz of York
Borough yeoman
& Catharine his wife: to Barbara Wagner: for
L150: lot #230 in York Town, bought from
Elizabeth Cronemiller Mr 28 1792 by the
2J 110 Je 27 1793. Philip Rothrock: to
John Rothrock &
Henry Pentz of York Borough slaughterer: for L150:
2 lots in Bottstown, the sixth lots from the York
Town Land.
2J 204 O 7 1793. Henry Pentz of York Borough
Catherine his wife: to Conrad Laub, scrivener:
for L100: 10 acres 45 perches in New Garden,
part of lots #12, #11, & #10.
2J 236 Mr 30 1792. John Pence of Warrington
farmer & Pheobe his wife: to George Hiekes:
for L500: 111 acres 8 perches in Huntington Twp.
(tract named "Justice") bought My 30 1791 from
John Fickes & wife.
2J 241 O 26 1793. John Rothrock & Charity
his wife &
Henry Pentz of York Borough slaughterer &
Catherine his wife: to Benjamin Brenneman:
for :200: the lots of 2J, 110.
2J 370 Ja 27 1794. Jacob Bentz of Dover
Twp. yeoman &
Elizabeth his wife: to Peter Bentz of
Twp. yeoman: for L120: 26-1/2 acres bought
Ag 10 1790 from David Martin & Rebecca his
wife (in Dover Twp.).
2J 463 Mr 24 1794. David Gacklin &
wife: to Henry
Bentz of York Borough slaughterer: for L600 (US
silver money): 201 acres in York Twp.
2K 29 My 19 1794. same grantors:
to same grantee: for
L7 6/ 3d: 6 acres 133 perches.
2K 70 Je 21 1794. Bartholomew Zeller
& wife: to Henry
Pentz of York Borough slaughterer: for L100 15/:
two shares in estate of Melchior Ort.
2L 180 S 22 1795. Abraham Kuntz & wife:
to Nicholas
Bentz of Codorus Twp shoemaker: for L650 in
specie: 176 acres in Codorus Twp.
2L 266 N 27 1769. Mathias Sitler &
Catharina his wife:
to George Bentz of York Twp. yeoman: for
L1000: 159 acres in York Twp.
2L 353 Ap 16 1796. Andrew Lau: to George
Bentz of
York Twp. farmer: for L850: 1 acre 16 perches in
the town of Berwick (now Abbottstown).
2L 390 Mr 30 1796. Bernd Benss of York
yeoman & Elizabeth his wife: to Geo. Fritzlen:
for L315: southern half of loy #205 in York,
bought Ap 1 1795 from Schultz & Kuntz.
2M 113 N 1 1796. Solomon Schmuck &
wife: to George
Bentz of York Borough yeoman: for L800: lot
#631 in York.
2M 447 D 21 1795. Casper Kerber: to Henry
& Christian Sinn, of York Borough,
slaughterers; for L450: 11 acres in Bottstown.
2M 448 Je 15 1797. Henry Bentz of York
slaughterer: to Christian Sinn: for 5/: release
on 4 acres 10 perches of the above.
2M 547 Ap 11 1767. Geo Meilly: to Jacob
of Earl Twp. Lancaster Co: for L50: warrant
right to a tract in Monaghan Twp.
2N 555 D 26 1798. Jacob Sitler: to Weirich
of Manchester Twp.: 150 acres with 3 mills
& a still in Chanceford Twp.
2O 138 Ap 15 1796. George Bentz of York
yeoman & Anna Maria his wife: to Henry King:
for L4450: land of 2A, 502.
2O 530 Mr 31 1800. Henry Pentz of York
slaughterer & Catharina his wife: to Samuel
Ilgenfritz: for L450: the land of 2B, 103.
2P 48 Ag 22 1800. Adam Seisenop
by Sheriff: to
Weirich Bentz & Conrad Leatherman as tenants
in common: for L300: 204 acres in Chanceford
2P 183 Ja 1 1801. Henry Pentz of York Borough
slaughterer & Catharine his wife: to John
Lanius: for L500: 201 acres (land of 2J, 463).
2P 206 Ap 25 1801. George Benss of York
Borough yeoman:
to Henry King: for 5/: clearing of mortgage on
part of land of 2O, 138, viz. 17 acres 106
perches, in order that King may sell the same.
2Q 40 Ap 6 1796. Jacob Bentz of Dover
Twp. & Elizabeth
his wife: to Michael Boltshuffer: for L250:
46 acres 50 perches in Dover Twp. bought
from David Evans & his wife Ja 22 1794.
2R 111 Mr 5 1803. Estate of Charles Coulson:
to John
Bentz of Washington Twp.: for L1101 17/:
283 acres 27 perches in Monaghan Twp.
2R 529 Ag 13 1805. Hon. John Penn of Stoke
Poges, Esq.
& Hon. Richard Penn of Qeen Ann Street
West in the Parish of St. Mary le Bone, late
Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, by attorney: to
George Bentz of York Borough: for L21 10/:
lots #631 & 642 in York Town.
2T 119 My 31 1808. Weyrich Benss of West
Twp farmer and Margaret his wife, & Conrad
Leatherman: to James McGregor: for L340:
land of 2P, 48.
2T 181 F 23 1784. Jacob Schierer: to Henry
Bentz of York
Borough slaughterer: for L30: lots #231 & 232
in York Town.
2T 182 Mr 28 1792. Martin Cronemiller &
Barbara his
wife: to Henry Bentz of York Borough
slaughterer: for L50: lots #231 & #232.
2T 185 Ap 25 1800. Henry Pentz of York
Borough butcher
& Catharine his wife: to Thomas Jameson: for L90:
lots #231 &232.
2T 214 S 30 1808. Philip Heneman: to Jacob
Bentz of
Washington Twp. for L500: 123 acres 105
perches in Washington Twp.
2U 463 Mr 21 1811. Weirich Benss
& Geo. Noble, joint
owners of a property on High Street west of the
Codorus in York, make an agreement with Jane
McCalmond for the opening of a 7-foot alley
between the two properties.
2W 247 N 25 1811. Peter Pentz of Dover
Twp. yeoman:
to Geo. Meyer: for $1 & quit claim on a part
of the tract Esopos (granted to above parties in
common on Je 15 1790 by John Elder & Elizabeth
his wife): a quit-claim on 156 acres of the same.
2X 507 Jl 27 1813. Henry Boyer &
Anna his wife: to
Frederick Bentz Jr.: for L200: 141 acres in
Manheim Twp.
2Y 311 Ap 30 1812. Martin Brandt: to Philip
Pentz of
Allen Twp. Cumberland County: for $300.75:
10 acres 4 perches in Monaghan Twp.
3A 364 Ap 3 1816. John Penn (by attorney):
to Weirich
Bentz & the estate of Michael Doudle: for
$98.77 & $93.38: quit claim to lots #445,
446, 447, 448, 449, 450, west of the
Codorus, in York Borough.
3B 165 Mr 14 1817. Estate of George Bentz
of York
Borough yeoman: to Leonard Westhoeffer: for
$229: lot #642 in York.
3C 206 Jl 23 1817. Receipt of Samuel Long
husband of
Anna Maria dau of Late George Bentz, to the
executors of G.B., for $2332.74.
3C 207 Jl 26 1817. Nicholas Diehl admr.
of late John
Bentz releases estate of Geo. Bentz for $2332.74.
3C 330 Mr 14 1817. Estate of same George
to Mathias Smyser: for $684.24: lands in
York Twp., 8 acres 118 perches.
3C 349 Ap 2 1818. Bernd (Barney) son of
George Bentz
releases latter's executors for $2332.74.
3C 440 My 1 1818. Jacob son of George Bentz
latter's executors for $1000.
3D 61 Ap 1 1817. Philip Pence of
Allen Twp. Cumberland
County & Elizabeth his wife: to Benjamin
Kibbler: for $325: the land of 2Y311.
3G 10 Ap 16 1819. Exrs. of Michael
Bentz of West
Manchester Twp.: to Michael Fetrow: for
L351: two tracts in Newberry Twp., (a) 50
acres bouoght by decedent Ap 25 1787 from
John Updegraff & Anna his wife, (b) 25 acres
bought O 18 1783 from James Bonine.
3H 20 F 28 1824. Admr.
of Peter Bentz late of Conewago
Twp. yeoman: to Michael Shettle: for $142.36:
18 acres 90 perches in Conewago Twp. bought
by decedent not earlier than 1789.
3H 443 My 5 1825. Edward Cavanaugh &
Mary his wife:
to George Pentz of Franklin Twp.: for $60: lot
#23 in Dillsburg.
3J 63 F 28 1824. Admrs.
of Peter Bentz late of Conewago
yeoman: to Frederick Byers: for $64.: 8 acres in
Conewago Twp., part of tract bought from John
Elder in 1790.
3J 279 Mr 24 1827. John Zimmerman, David
Hamme & wife:
to John Bentz of Hellam Twp. teacher: for $1000:
92 acres in Manchester Twp.
3J 345 My 17 1827. Jacob Bentz, Francis
Judy (Schudy) of
Lancaster County & Christina his wife, & William
Hiester of Lebanon County & Mary his wife;
said Jacob, Christina & Mary being children of
Christian Bentz: to Sabina Bentz (widow of Dr.
John Pentz) of York Borough: for $1: all their
interest in the estate of Weirich Bentz, father
of said Christian.
3K 2 O 10 1825. Yost Herbach
late of York County
yeoman, by sheriff: to Michael Bentz: for $432:
40 acres of woodland & a lot of 4 acres in West
Manchester Twp.
3K 4 O 10 1825. Joseph Byers
by sheriff: to Michael
Bentz: for $1251: farm of 70 acres & 12 acres
116 perches of woodland in Manchester Twp.
3K 71 Jl 14 1828. Thomas Cadwalder
assignee of the
Penns, by agent, extinquishes the quitrents
due from Michael Bentz forever, on payment
of arrearages & 12 years in advance, totalling
3K 369 O 1 1829. George Dill & Rebecca
his wife: to
Jacob Pentz of Franklin Twp., farmer: for $575;
2 acres in Monaghan Twp.
3L 73 N 12 1829. Jacob Pentz of Franklin
Twp. &
Elizabeth his wife: to Jacob Noop: for $700:
the above tract.
3L 377 Ja 16 1832. Susanna wife of Jacob
Harbin of
Germany Twp. Adams County, only daughter
& heir of Barbara Flubacher sister of Frederick
Bentz Sr.: to estate of Frederick Bentz Jr.: for
$200: a release.
3L 438 Ap 7 1832. John
Frey & Catharine
his wife,
George Shettle & Elizabeth
his wife, the wives
being daughters of late Peter Bentz of Conewago
Twp.: to estate of Peter Bentz: for $593.02-
1/4 for each wife: a release. Mary
widow of said Peter releases for $552.63 in full.
3L 511 F 23 1832. Jacob Harbin of Hanover
& Susanna
Margaret his wife (only dau of Barbara Flubacher
who was only sister of Frederick Bentz Sr.): to
John L. Hinkle: for $200: their interest in the
estate of Frederick Bentz Sr.
3M 10 N 25 1817. John
Pentz M.D. of York Borough &
his wife: to George
Hoke of West
Twp. farmer: for $500: a part of a
lot on east side of Beaver Street in York, in
trust for the grantors & their heirs.
3N 189 N 12 1834. Executors of Margaret
Bentz: to
William Jones: for $4470: half interest in 175
acres in West Manchester Township.
3N 227 N 15 1833. John Brunton & Mary
his wife: to
Joseph Bentz of Warrington Twp.: for $995:
44-1/2 acres in Warrington Twp.
3N 420 My 29 1835. Daniel Pentz of Carroll
Twp.: to
Dr. Luke Rouse: for $1: his interest in the
estate of Adam King.
3Q 380 Ja 16 1841. Michael Bentz of Warrington
to his son John Bentz (in Pennsylvania): power
of attorney to settle affairs of Michael's son
Joseph (deceased) of McLean County, Illinois.
3R 330 My 9 1842. Catharine Pentz (widow
of John of
Carroll Twp.) & Logan & Mumper guardians
of the minor children release the admistrators
for $1463.13-1/3 (widow's share), $975.42
(daughter Elizabeth's share), $1950.84 (shares
of Mary Ann & Amanda).
3R 342 My 24 1842. William Hartman &
William Pentz, of
York Borough, trading as Hartman & Pentz, hatters:
to Sayres & Stahle: for $1: assignment for the
benefit of creditors.
3T 656 Mr 11 1833. Margaretta widow of
Weirich Bens of
West Manchester Twp., daughter of George Garber
of York Borough: to Emanual Erb: for $250: lot
#97 in York which she inherited from her father.
3U 451 O 27 1848. John Gustavus Pentz of
York & Susanna
his wife: to Mrs. Sarah Pentz: for $1: half of
lot #168 & another property on Beaver Street,
in York.
3U 482 D 29 1848. Dr. Edward H. Pentz of
York Borough:
to Killian Small: for $1: his interest in the preceding.
3V 5 Jl 23 1849. George Bentz
of Stark County Ohio
a legatee under the will of Andrew Bentz of
Codorus Twp: to estate of Andrew Bentz: for $62.40:
a release.
3V 163 F 22 1850. Henry Pentz of Dover
Twp. &
Christianna his wife: to William S. Picking
in trust for creditors: his estate.
3V 250 Ap 2 1850. Magdalena wife of John
releases estate of her father Philip Blessing for
3V 382 My 13 1850. Heirs of Dr.
John Bentz sign release
on his estate, for $28.82 & 44.17 each.
3V 410 F 1 1850. Elizabeth Pentz releases
her guardian
Henry Logan for $1486.50.
from Pennsylvania Archives II, ii
p. 365 John Bentz of York County a
member of one of
the sects, naturalized S 10 1761 at a Supreme
Court at Philadelphia.
p. 394 John Philip Pentz of York
took the Sacrement
as required by Act of Parliament Ap 9 1765,
naturalized Ap 10 1765 at a Supreme Court
at Philadelphia.
1. Michael
Bentz, tax collector, Manchester Township,
2. Jacob Bence, supervisor of highways, Dover Township,
3. Philip Bens, constable, Hellam Township,
4. John Bens, supervisor
of highways, Manchester Township,
1759, 1760.
5. Philip Bens, supervisor of highways, Hellam Township,
6. John Pence, overseer
of the poor, Manchester Township,
7. George Bentz, overseer of the poor, York Township,
8. George Pence, supervisor of highways, York Township,
from Pennsylvania German Pioneers, vol. I, pp. 227-231.
Johan Philip Bens, aged 27 years, on the
ship NANCY,
William Wallace, master, from Rotterdam,
but last from
Dover in Old England. Took the Oath of
Allegiance to
King George the Second and the Oath of
Abjuration of the
Jacobite pretensions to the throne, on
S 20 1738, at the
Court House in Philadelphia.
XI. Vital Records from Local Newspapers
1. Mrs. Andrew Bentz died Ap 1 1825. aet 63-5-0.
2. Widow
of Michael Bentz of Manchester Twp. died N 13 1820.
3. Miss
Elizabeth Ann Bentz married Martin
Duhling, by Rev.
Mr. Lochman, Mr 26 1841. (Penna Republican,
Ap 21 1841).
4. Frederick Bentz Jr. only son of Frederick Bentz
of York
died S23 1822 in 37th year.
6. George Bentz of Warrington Twp., son
of Jacob, married Miss Anna
Gross of the same place,
dau of Daniel, by Rev. Mr. Lauer, Ap 4
1833. (German Gazette,
Ap 12 1833).
7. Miss Magdalena Bentz dau of Anreas married
Peter Gentzler Jr., both
of Codorus Twp., Jl 22
1930. (German Gazette, Jl 30 1830).
8. John Bentz (son of G.) of Franklin Twp.
married Ja 3 1833 by Rev.
Mr. Vandersloot to Miss
Elizabeth Knox. (German Gazette, Ja 18; York
County Farmer, Ja 17;
Gazette, Ja 15; Pennsylvania Republican, Ja 16
9. Miss Maria Bentz dau of late
Dr. John married Benjamin Ziegler O 11
1827, by Rev. Mr. Schmucker.
(York Recorder, O 16 1827).
10. Peter
Bentz of Conewago Twp. died My 6 1823 in his 65th year. (York
Recorder, My 13 1823).
11. Miss Sarah
Ann Bentz of York married Edmund Wolf ap 10 1842 by Rev.
A. H. Lockman. (Penna.
Republican, Ap 13 1842).
12. Miss
Bentz married
Miller, by Rev. Mr. Lochman, Mr 4
1845. (Gazette, Mr 31
13. Christiana Pentz died Mr
5 1835. aet. ca. 14, in York County.
(Gazette, Mr 31 1835).
14. George Pentz of York, drowned
in a foot of water in a pond near the
Codorus, his body found
Ag 12 1837. (Penna. Republican, Ag 16 1837).
15. Jacob Pentz died Mr 23
1835, aet. 25, in Washington Twp. (Gazette,
Mr 31 1835).
16. Miss Joanna Pentz married
Isaac Baumgardner, by Rev. Mr. Zacharias,
Aug 6 1829. (German Gazette,
Ag 14; York Recorder Ag 11; Gazette Ag
11 1829).
17. Joanna Louisa Pentz infant
dau of George H., died Je 18 1832. (York
County Farmer, Je 28;
Gazette, Je 26; York Republican, Jl 3 1832).
18. Dr.
John Pentz of York died Mr 25 1826. aet. ca. 48 (Gazette, Mr
1826. In his 48th year,
acc. York Recorder, Mr 18 1826).
19. Dr.
John Pentz of York married N. 23 1800 at Abbotts Town to Sally
dau of Peter
Hoke of Manchester Twp.
20. John Gustavus Pentz of
York married S 17 1839 Miss Susanna dau of
Charles Strine of York,
by Rev. J. Cares. (Pennsylvania Republican,
S 25 1839). [Editor's
Note. John Gustavus Pentz is the son of Dr.
John Pentz and Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke]
21. Miss Martha M. Pentz dau
Dr. John deceased married Killian Small
Ap 11 1835, by Rev. Mr.
cares. (Penna. Republican, Ap 29 1835).
22. Matilda Pentz (or Bentz)
married Daniel B. Weiser, by Rev. Mr.
Schmucker, My 4 1824.
Both of York. She was dau of Dr.
John Pentz
(York Recorder, My 11;
Gazette, My 18 1824).
23. Weirich Pentz died Mr 17
1821, aet. 66.
24. William A. Pentz died Ja
9 1846, aet. 0-4-17. (Penna. Republican Ja
14; Democratic Press,
Ja 21 1846).
25. Miss Mary Pence of Cumberland
County married Henry Shultz of York
County, by Rev. A. B.
Quay, Ja 19 1835. (Penna. Republican F 4 1835).
26. Weirich F. Pentz formerly
of York died Ag 14 1848, aet. ca. 28 in
Columbus, Ohio. (Penna.
Republican, Ag 16 1848).
[Editor's Note. Weirich Pentz is the son
of Dr.
John Pentz and Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke]
27. Weirich F. Pentz infant
son of Gustasvus died F 28 1849 aet. ca. 3
months, in York. (Penna.
Republican, Mr 7 1849).
[Editor's Note. John Gustavus, brother of Weirich F Pentz above mentioned, is also the son of Dr. John Pentz and . Sally / Sabina Sarah Hoke. It appears Gustasvus here named his son for his brother]
28. Ann dau of Augustus
Pentz died Ag 16 1849, aet. 9-9-0. (Penna.
Republican, Ag 22 1849).
[Editor's Note. Augustus here is Gustavus
the son of Dr.
John Pentz and . Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke. In his marriage
record herein he is also named Augustus, not Gustavus]
Prospect Hill
1. Heinrich Bentz
My 26 1846 - S 5 1881
2. John Bentz
died D 3 1882. 45-2-18
3. John Bentz
D 16 1926 - O 8 1894
4. Rebecca O., his wife
Ja 13 1831 - Mr 27 1906
5. Louisa C. Rieker Bentz
1839 - 1875
6. H. C. Bentz
S 21 1847 - Jl 31 1931
7. Mrs. Margaret Bentz
died Ag 9 1858. 75-0-27
8. Mary Boyer Bentz
Jl 8 1847 - Je 28 1919
13. Peter
N 21 1830 - S 8 1884
14. Ellen
G., his wife
O 10 1840 - O 22 1910
15. Weirich Bentz
died Mr 16 1821. Aet. ca. 65
21. Dr.
John Pentz
died Mr 24 1826. 47-7-16
22. Sarah
his wife
died Ap 24 1864. 84-5-25
23. Lieut. W. F. Pentz
died Ag 13 1848, at Columbus, Ohio, on his return from the Mexican War.
Aet. 29-4-18.
[Editor's Note. Weirich Pentz is the son
of Dr.
John Pentz and Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke]
24. John G. Pentz
died My 3 1880. Aet. 69
25. Susan A. Pentz
S 4 1816 - Mr 8 1884
26. John E.
27. Wirich F. )
28. Catharine A. ) Children of J. G. &
Susan Pentz
29. George H. )
(no dates)
30. William W. )
31. Mary J. Pentz (on a Saylor monument
Barrens, Washington Twp.
32. David Pentz
died D 19 1874. 83-4-0
33. George Pentz
Ap 11 1820 - Ag 10 1873
34. Henry Pentz
died My 11 1815 in 37th year
35. Frederick Pentz son of John & Leah
died Ap 11 1862. 16-6-29
36. John H. Pentz
died Ag 10 1892. 81-8-21
37. Leah his wife
died Ag 2 1881. 62-4-5
38. Susannah Bentz
died Mr 15 1804 - Ag 6 1834
39. Adam Bentz
40. Andrew Bentz
O 28 1826 - Je 28 1902
41. Lydia Bushey Bentz
O 14 1830 - Mr 22 1901
42. Susanna 2nd wife of Jacob Bentz
Ja 9 1804 - Je 9 1870
43. David Bentz
died Mr 1 1928. 85-5-15
44. Catharine A. his wife
died Ag 16 1919. 68-0-8
45. George G. Bentz
died F 13 1900. 60-0-4
46. Nancy wife of George
died Ag 16 1894. 82-0-20
47. George Bentz
died F 17 1893. 83 years
Barrens, Washington Twp. (continued)
48. Daniel Bentz
died Mr 25 1899. 61-5-13
49. Jacob Bentz
died Mr 5 1874. 70-4-15
50. Elizabeth his 1st wife
d D 1 1851. 45-0-17
51. Susanna wife of John Bentz
d Mr 14 1857. 23-4-5
52. Jacob S. Bentz
Ap 28 1836 - Ap 4 1915
53. Caroline Bentz
My 3 1831 - O 18 1910
54. Joseph Bentz
died D 10 1899. 67-1-18
55. Mary his wife
died Jl 3 1903. 70-1-20
56. Joseph Bentz
died Ja 2 1865. 82-1-21
57. Eve Bentz
died D 30 1856. 47-4-20
58. Eva Bentz
N 14 1750 - Ja 15 1839
59. Nicholas Bentz
1758 - Je 10 1828
60. Joseph Bentz
drowned in Emig's dam Je 18,
of Jacob & Nancy)
1858, aet. 20-11-1
61. Jacob Bentz
died Ap 14 1905. 93-10-27
62. Nancy his wife
died D 28 1891. 80-4-3
63. Lewis Bentz
64. Hettie Heiges his wife
65. Michael Bentz
died Mr 13 1895. 65-0-5
66. Susannah his wife
died Je 1 1925. 80-11-18
67. Nancy J. wife of Daniel Bentz
died S 10 1920. 83-0-25
68. Solomon Bentz
O 28 1841 - Ap 17 1909
69. Henrietta Bentz
N 16 1846 - D 29 1921
Bermudian Lutheran, Latimore Twp. (Adams County)
70. Elizabeth wife of David Pentz
died Mr 4 1884. 89-11-26
71. Peter Pentz
died Jl 18 1898. 55-4-9
72. David B. Pentz
died N 8 1878. 69-1-2
73. Catharine Pentz
died Mr 26 1869. 51-1-12
Burmudian Mount Olivet, Latimore Twp. (Adams County)
74. Jeremiah Pentz Jl 4 1850 - F 6 1914
Brethren, Latimore Twp. (Adams County)
75. Peter Pentz
died Mr 23 1868.
76. Sarah his wife
died My 30 1877. 67-7-23
77. Susanna M. Pentz their daughter
died F 28 1867. 31-3-(?)
Crone's, Fairview Twp.
78. George Pentz died Je 8 1845. 0-3-4
Dillsburg, Carroll Twp.
79. Daniel D. Pentz
died 0 16 1839 - D 29 1906
80. Elizabeth his wife
Je 25 1843 - Je 2 1918
81. Elizabeth Pentz
Ja 2 1829 - O 10 1897
82. Henry Pentz
1831 - 1901
83. Mary Pentz
1830 - 1906
Emanuel Reformed, Hanover
84. F. Bentz
died D 30 1831, aet. 85
85. Barbara his wife
died D 26 1831, aet. 80
86. Frederick Bentz Jr.
died S 14 1822. 36-0-15
Franklin, Franklin Twp.
87. Elizabeth wife of Jacob Pentz
died D 30 1831, aet. 85
88. John Pentz
My 20 1771 - Ja 27 1841
89. Catharine Pentz (wife of John)
D 19 1795 - D 3 1845
90. Catharine Pentz
died s 10 1840. 28-9-2
91. George Pentz
died Je 12 1852. 84 years
92. Elizabeth his wife
Je 23 1777 - Mr 12 1860
93. Jacob Pentz
died Jl 1 1844. 61 years
94. Elizabeth Pentz (dau of David &
C.) died Ap 27 1846 5-1-16
95. Mary Ann dau of same
died S 7 1849. 0-6-22
96. George Pentz son of same
died Ja 8 1853. 7-11-18
Friends', Warrington Twp.
97. Jacob H. Bentz
Mr 11 1844 - Ap 2 1906
98. Margaret Bentz
died N 3 1846, aet. 42
99. Catharine Bentz (wife of Michael)
died Je 1 1827. 52 years
100. Michael Bentz
died D 14 1851. 23 years
101. Michael Bentz
d N 28 1850. 82 years
102. Elizabeth Bentz
died F 8 1860. 60 years
103. Anna Bentz
died N 18 1846. 40 years
Greenmount, York
104. Agnes A. Pentz
died D 12 1889, aet. 46 years
105. Hannah J. Pentz
1842 - 1927
Lutheran, East Manchester Twp.
106. John Bentz
died Ap 26 1871. 78-5-5
107. Magdalena his wife
died F 4 1862. 58-9-5
108. Michael Bentz
D 29 1830 - Ap 20 1871
109. Elizabeth his wife
died Ap 16 1870. 30-6-4
Mount Olivet, Fairview Twp.
110. William Pentz
Ja 17 1838 - O 8 1906
111. Rachel Pentz
S 18 1837 - Mr 19 1923
Mount Rose, York
112. Ernest Pentz died Mr 28 1924. 86-1-19
Mount Zion Lutheran, Fairview Twp.
113. Henry S. Pentz
Ap 12 1840 - Ja 16 1923
114. Mary E. his wife
Jl 8 1845 - O 24 1915
115. Hans Peter
S 8 1758 - My 6 1823
116. Mary
(nee Humrichhauser) his wife Ag 13 1761-Ag 7 1842
Rodes, Jackson Twp
117. Salome (Salme) Bentz Mr 4 1794 - Ja 24 1815
St. Jacob's Union, North Codorus Twp.
118. John Bentz died Ja 16 1927. 77-7-8
St. John's Reformed, Warrington Twp.
119. Elizabeth Bentz
S 23 1834 - Ag 2 1909
120. John Bentz
died Mr 11 1885. 76-3-24
121. Matilda wife of John
died Ag 17 1886. 75-6-22
Ziegler's, North Codorus Twp.
122. Michael Bentz
died S 18 1866. 80-0-17
123. Catharine his wife
died Ag 7 1865. 69-2-21
124. John Bentz
died My 29 1868. 50-8-20
125. Michael Bentz
N 7 1818 - My 2 1879
126. Eleanora his wife
F 7 1827 - D 7 1910
Stoverstown, North Codorus Twp.
127. George K. Bentz
died Je 24 1918. 71-6-4
128. Kate his wife
died D 26 1922. 80-0-1
129. Peter Bentz
died F 19 1911. 87-2-5
130. Sallie his wife
died Je 9 1900. 78-3-0
Union, East Manchester Twp.
131. Elizabeth A. Bentz Ag 4 1839 - My 15 1865
Wolgemuth's, Carroll Twp.
132. John Pentz
Ag 2 1814 - S 14 1868
133. Elizabeth his wife
D 29 1813 - Ag 7 1906
134. Mary Pentz
Jl 4 1848 - F 3 1850
135. John Pentz
Je 30 1844 - Je 19 1850
136. David Pentz
died F 22 1889. 66-10-1
137. Elizabeth his wife
died My 4 1876. 43-3-7
1. F 12 1767. Michael Bens, 150 acres
in Dover Twp.
2. Je 1 1762. Philip Bentz, 50 acres
in Hellam Twp.
[Editors Note: Is this our Philip
Bentz? ]
3. N 22 1749. Johannes
Pence, 150 acres in Manchester Twp.
4. Jl 13 1770. Philip Bentz Jr.,
200 acres in York Twp.
5. Mr 16 1747. Philip Pentz, 100
acres all the (Little?) Conewago.
[Editors Note: Is this our Philip
Bentz? ]
York Town
1. Henry Bentz, butcher, 1 house,
1/3 lot, 1 horse, 2 males, 2
females, valuation
L235, tax L2 18/.
2. Widow Bentz, 1 house, 1/2 lot,
1 cow, 1 female, valuation L103, tax
L1 5/ 9d.
York Twp.
3. Weirich Bentz, 2 males, 2 females,
140 acres, 3 horses, 3 horn'd
cattle, 4 sheep,
1 house, 1 outhouse, 1 still, valuation L431, tax
L8 10/ 8d.
4. George Bentz, 5 males, 3 females,
150 acres, 4 horses, 4 horn'd
cattle, 6 sheep,
1 house, 1 outhouse, valuation L468 10/, tax L9 5/
4d. Also 100 acres
of barren land valued at L75, tax L1 9 8d.
5. Michael Bentz, 74 acres, 2 horses,
3 horn'd cattle, 7 sheep. 1
house, 1 barn,
4 inhabitants, valuation L167 3/.
Paradise Twp.
6. Nicholas Bentz, 130 acres, 2 horses,
2 horn'd cattle, 1 house, 1
barn, 6 bodies,
valuation L170 5/, tax L4 8/ 6d.
7. Andrew Bentz, 1 cow, 4 bodies,
valuation L7 10/, tax 5/.
Heidelberg Twp. and the Town of Hanover
8. Frederick Bentz, 1 lot, 1 house,
1 cow, 5 inhabitants, valuation L299, tax L3.
9. Phillip Pence, 8 inhabitants,
1 cow, valuation L34, tax 7/ 10d.
10. Peter Pence, labourer, 1 dwelling house,
1 outhouse, 15 acres, 2
inhabitants, 1
horse, 2 horn'd cattle, 2 sheep, valuation L66 15/,
tax 15/ 3d.
Warrington Twp.
11. Joseph Pence, 150 acres, 4 horses, 4
horn'd cattle, 6 sheep, 10
inhabitants, 1
house, 1 barn, valuation L290 10/, tax L4.
12. John Pence, 100 acres, 2 horses, 3
horn'd cattle, 4 sheep, 9
inhabitants, 1
house, 1 barn, valuation L187, tax L3 2/ 4d.
13. Peter Pence, 1 horse, 2 horn'd cattle
3 inhabitants, valuation L14,
tax 4/ 8d.
Monaghan Twp.
14. Phillip Pence, 1 Cow, 1 outhouse, 7 inhabitants, valuation L4, tax 1/ 8d.
XV. Records of Revolutionary Service
1. 'Henry Bentz - Son of Philip' is on "A List of Part of
Inhabitants in York Town, Associators
under Captain
Rudolph Spangler."
2. 'Weyrich Bentz' is on the same list.
3. 'Henry Bentz Son of John' is on the same list.
* * * *
The original of the above list is
among the Spangler Papers of this
Society. A reduced facsimile appears
opposite p. 444 and a printed
copy on page 417 of the Annals of
the Spangler Families, by E. W.
Spangler (York, Pa., 1896). The same
list is also published in
Pennyslvania Archives VI, ii, p.
611, and Prowell's History of York
County, I, 263.
Those following are from Pennsylvania Archives VI, ii:
p 441 Veily Bence & George Bence, privatesin the 1st class
Capt. Peter Ford's company,
p 446 Henry Pence, private, 8th class of 7th company, 1st
Ja 1 1783.
464 Michael
& Peter Bentz, privates, mustered
in 3rd company
2nd battalion, under Capt.
Simon Coppenhaffer Ap 5 1779.
p 482 Phillep Bence, private, Capt. Henry Mathias'company
(Newberry Twp.),
Col Smyser's battalion, Jl 1 1780.
p 591 Nicholas Benss, ensign, 1st company, 5th battalion,
p 606 Michael
Benss, private Captain Jacob Bieber's company, 1776(?).
p 633 Peter Pence, private
on Captain Samuel Fulton's company, N 20 1782.
p 663 Michael
Bentz, in Capt. Reinhart Bott's company, N 20 1782.
p 665 Petter Pence, private,
5th class, Capt. Henry Mathias' Company, N 20 1782.
p 669 Andrew & Nicholas Pence, privates, 5th class, Ensign
Francis Winkler's muster roll
for 1782.
Records of Rev. John
Waldschmidt (Reformed) in Lancaster County
(in Pennsylvania Archives VI,
p 159 1. Susanna Benss dau of Weyerle & Anna Maria
b O 9 1751, bp Mr 1753.
p 208 2. Anna Maria dau of Weyrich Benss m Ja 21 1766
son of Peter Ruth.
p 208 3. Catharina dau of Weirig Benss m Ap 15 1755
Jacob son
of John Leonhart Keller.
p 208 4. Elizabeth dau of Peter Benss m D 7 1784 Jacob
son of
George Schwickert.
p 208 5. George son of Weyrich Benss m D 8 1761 Maria
Elisabeth Holsinger.
p 268 6. Elisabetha dau of Weyerick Benss b Ag 1 1739.
Records of Jacob Lischy V.D.M. (Reformed), tr. by H. J. Young.
p 27 7. John
Philip & John,
sons of John & Maria Magdalena Pens,
bp Mr 17 1745.
p 34 8. Maria Elisabeth, dau of Philip & Maria
Elisabeth Pens, bp Ap 20 1746.
p 102 9. John Christian, son of John & Maria Sophia
Bens, bp S 1 1756.
p 111 10. John
Henry, son of John & Maria Magdalena
Bens, bp Jl 8 1757.
p 134 11. Catharina Elisabeth, dau of Peter & Catharina
Elisabeth Bens, bp O 14, 1759.
p 135 12. John Peter, son
of John & Maria Magdalena Bens, bp
N 25 1759.
p 136 13. Catharina, dau of Peter & Elizabeth Bens, bp
D 16 1759.
p 203 14. John, son of Jacob & Catharina Benss, bp F 1
First Reformed, York. Translated by H. J. Young.
p 310 15. Jl 12 1778. Weihrich Benns m Margaret Gerber.
p 323 16. N 22 1808. Elizabeth
Pens m George Shaedel.
p 328 17. N 22 1808. Peter Fits m Polly Bents.
p 329 18. N 4 1813. John Kram (or Kron?) m Elizabeth
p 332 19. Ag 1 1816. John
Rieser m Susan Bens.
p 334 20. My 23 1819. Daniel Bens m Rachel Schaefer.
p 344 21. Ap 22 1835. Killian Small m Martha Melinda Pentz.
[Editor's Note. Martha Melinda Pentz is
the daughter of Dr.
John Pentz and Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke]
346 22. S 17 1839. Augustus Pentz m Susan Strine.
{Editors Note: This is Gustavus PENTZ,
son of of Dr.
John Pentz and Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke. He is named Augustus also in newspaper
announcement of his daughter's death]and her death
entry in this church
p 41 23. Bernhard son of George & Anna Maria Benz
b O 29 1767,
D 6. Sponsors: Bernhard Holtzinger & wife.
p 52 24. John son of George Bens & wife, bp S 8
p 99 25. Maria dau of William & Elizabeth Bens b
Ap 25 1806, bp S 28.
p 101 26. Maria Sabina dau John & Sabina Bens, b O 29
p 110 27. Johanna Louisa dau of John & Salome Pens, b
Ja 20 1810, bp Ag 19
p 119 28. John Gustavus son of John
& Sabina
Bens, b Ja 10 1813, bp Ag 22
Editors Note: He also appears as Augustus
in other parts of this page. This is Gustavus PENTZ, son of of Dr.
John Pentz and Sally
/ Sabina Sarah Hoke. He is named Augustus in his marriage First Reformed
, also in newspaper announcement
of his daughter's death]and her baptism and death
entry in first reformed, while he is named Gustavus in other portions
of this text.
p 125 29. Martha Malina dau John
& Sabina
Bens, b Ap 8 1815, bp My 27
p 139 30. Werich, son of John
& Sabina
Bens, b Mr 26 1818, bp F 16 1819
p 144 31. William, son of Daniel & Rachel Benss, b Ap
2 1820, bp My 14
p 150 32. Elizabeth, dau of Daniel & Rachel Pentz b My
19 1821, bp. Jl 16
p 154 33. William Alexander son of John
& SabainaBents,
b Ap 3 1821, bp My 16 1822
p 158 34. Henry son of Daniel & Rachel Bentz b F 24 1823,
bp N 29.
p 167 35. Daniel son of Daniel & Rachel Pentz b S 28 1804,
bp N 29.
p 179 36. Samuel George son of Daniel & Rachel Bentz.
p 198 37. David son of Daniel & Rachel Pentz b F 25 1832.
p 198 38. Edward son of Daniel & Rachel Pentz b Ag 24
p 204 39. Martha Matilda dau of George & Lydia Pentz b
F 15 1834
p 204 40. William son of George and Lydia Pentz b S 7 1836
213 41. Catharine Ann dau of Augustus & Susan Pentz b N 1 1839,
bp Je 7 1840.
p 217 42. George Hoke son of William & Charlotte Pentz
b Ja 5 1841, bp Jl 30 1842.
p 217 43. John Edwin son of William & Charlotte Pentz
b Ja 10 1842, bp Jl 30.
44. George H. Pentz
died Ag 12 1837, aet. 32-11-12.
45. Augustus Pentz
confirmed 1835.
Canadochly Union, Windsor Twp. Tr. by George R. Seiffert.
46. Henry Bentz son of Philip & Maria Magdalene b O 19 1754, bp Ap 27 1755.
Kreutz Creek Lutheran, Hellam Twp. Tr. by George R. Seiffert.
47. Elizabeth
Etna b Jl 5 1824, bp Jl 25. ) Children of John
48. Susanna
b Mr 25 1826, bp Ap 30. ) Magdalena
49. Maria
b Mr 6 1828, bp Mr. 30. )
Emanuel Reformed, Hanover. Tr. by Prof. Baum.
50. Frederick son of Frederick & Barbara Pensz, b Ag 30 1876, bp S 12 1786.
Saint Matthew's Lutheran, Hanover. Tr. by Prof. Baum.
p 16 51. John Conrad, son of John Pentz, b D 8 1742.
bp same month.
p 38 52. Anna Christina dau of Andrew Bens b Jl 11 1753,
bp Ag 5.
p 290 53. Jacob son of Frederick & Christina Bentz b D
15 1848, bp Ja 7 1849.
p 436 54. D 20 1849. William Bentz m Sarah Weekley, both of
Carroll Co, Md.
St. John's Episcopal, York. Copy.
55. Clara Ann b My 7 1848
) daughters of John & Rebecca Bentz.
56. Mary Elizabeth b S 18 1849 )
Quickel's Union, Conewago Twp. Tr. by G. R. Seiffert.
57. Anna
Maria Bens dau of Peter & Anna
Maria b N 9 1785, bp F 12 1786.
58. Elizabeth
dau of Peter & Anna
Maria b Ja 6 1788, bp Je 29 1788.
59. Michael
Bense son of Peter & Anna
Maria b Ap 1 1790, bp Je 7.
60.Son of
same (Bens) b N 21 1792, bp My 18 1793.
Strayer's Reformed, Dover Twp. Tr. by G. r. Seiffert.
61. Anna Margaret dau of Peter & Catharine
Elisabeth Bense, bp F 18 1764.
62. Anna Juliana Bentz dau. of Henry &
Dinah b Ag 16 1836, bp O 2.
Strayer's Lutheran, Dover Twp. Translated by G. R. Seiffert.
63. John Philip Pence son of Peter &
Catherine b O 18 1765, bp Je 22 1765.
64. Maria Magdalena Pens dau of Michael
& Catharine b Je 8 1769, bp Jl 17.
65. John Henry Pens son of Philip &
Agnes b O 12 1771, bapt My 30 1773.
66. John Jacob Pens son of same b Ap 1
1774, bp Jl 31.
67. Elizabeth b F 11 1795 ) daughters of
Jacob Pens
68. Susanna b F 11 1795 )
69. Susanna
Pens dau of Peter & Anna
Maria b Ap 20 1797, bp Jl 5.
70. Philip Pens son of Philip m Jl 1 1766
Agnes dau of the late Nicholas Opp.
71. My 24 1768. Michael Uhrich m Maria
Margaret dau of John Pens.
72. My 24 1768. Philip Pens son of John
m Elisabeth dau of Jost Sasseman.
73. Ja 10 1769. John
Pens son of John m Ja 10 1769 Philippina
of Andrew Palli.
Ziegler's Church, North Codorus Twp. Tr. by H. J. Young.
74. John Michael Bentz son of Daniel b N
5 1783, bp N. 23.
75. Andrew Bentz son of Nicholas &
Eva b S 29 1792 bp N 4.
76. John Jacob Bens son of Mathias &
Elisabeth b Jl 24 1786, bp Ag 27.
77. John George Bents son of Jacob &
Susanna, b Mr 5 1787, bp Je 17 1787.
78. Jacob Bens son of Jacob & Susanna
b O 21 1803, bapt F 26 1804.
79. Susanna Pens dau of Andrew & Elisabeth
b Mr 15 1804, bp Je 17.
80. Catharine Bens dau of Michael &
Catharine b 0 14 1827, bp F 29
81. Mary Bentz dau of same b My 14 1830,
bp Ag 21.
82. Andrew Bens son of same b N 22 1831,
bp Mr 27 1832.
83. Rebecca Bentz dau. of same, b Je 9
1835, bp Jl 12.
XVI. Church Records (continued)
Christ Lutheran, York. Translated by H. J. Young.
84. O 27 1755. Michael Bentz m Catharine
85. F 27 1759. John Adam Fink m Anna Dorothea
Pentz, single, in York.
86. Je 1 1762. Michael Hahn son of the
late Michael m Maria
Elizabeth dau of
Philip Pentz at Philip Pentz's house in York.
87. ----- 1814. Frederick Miller m Anna
Maria Bentz.
88. D 24 1816. Frederick Mayer m Maria
89. ----- 1817. Michael Benns m Catharine
90. Ap 13 1818. Michael
Benns m Anna Quickel.
91. ----- 1821. John Bopp m Susan Benns
92. ----- 1823. Oliver Adams m Anna Maria
93. S 18 1823. John
Bentz m Magdalena
95. O 11 1827. Benjamin Ziegler m Anna
Maria Bentz.
96. Ap 10 1842. Edmund
Wolf m Sarah Ann
97. Mr 4 1845. John
Miller m Susan
98. John
Michael b S 19 1735 son of John Bentz
99. John
Joseph b S 21 1738 son of John Bentz
100. Maria
Dorthea b Je 14 1743 daughter of John
101. Maria
Margaret b S 30 1746 daughter of John
Anna Elizabeth b Ja 3 1741 daughter of John
103. Philip
b Ja 14 1744 son of John Bentz
104. John
Ja 14 1744 son of John Bentz
105. Anna Maria b N 18 1738
) Children of Philip Bentz.
106. John Christian b Mr 30 1741 )
107. John Philip Pentz son of Philip b My 15 1743.
108. John
Martin Pentz son of John & May Magdalenab
F 17 1749.
109. Maria Rosina PLentz dau of Philip & Maria
Elisabeth b Ja 1 1750.
110. Anna
Maria Pentz dau of John & Magdalena
b Ap 8 1751.
111. Maria Elizabeth Pence dau of Michael & Catharine
b My 31 1760.
112. Rosina Pentz dau of Peter & Catharine Elizabeth
b D 6 1761.
113. John Jacob Pentz son of Michael & Maria Catharina
b Jw 24 1762.
114. Anna Maria Bentz dau of Michael & Catharine
b Jl 20 1771.
115. Catharine Bentz dau of Joseph & Catharine
b S 30 1774.
116. Jacob Bentz son of Henry & Catharine b Mr
10 1778.
117. Elizabeth Bentz dau of same b O 8 1779.
118. Catharine Bentz. dau of same b Ja 10 1782.
119. Anna Margaret Bentz dau of same b F 1 1784.
120. Peter Bentz son of Peter
& Anna Maria b Mr 24 1784.
[Editor's note, is this Peter
of Peter Bentz and Anna
Maria Humrickhouse Bentz?]
121. Catharine Bentz dau of Jacob & Elizabeth b
F 12 1788.
122. Michael Henry Bentz son of Michael & Anna
b My 21 1823.
123. Eliza Ann Bens dau of same b N 25 1825.
124. John Benns son of same b D 16 1826.
125. Henry Bens son of same b D 23 1832.
126. Maria Elizabeth Benns dau of same b My 18 1834.
127. Anna Bentz dau of same b Mr 16 1836.
128. Henry Clay Bentz son of Michael H. & Amanda
b S 21 1847.
Moravian, York.
Additional Records From Christ Lutheran Church, York County, Pennsylvania
Provided by Shannon Lehr
p. 740 Catherine Elisabeth Bentz age 16
White Sunday 1772
p. 740 Elisabeth Bentz age 15 1/2 1774
p. 741 Peter Bentz
age 15 1/2 1774
p. 743 Peter Bentz age 15 & 5 mos.
White Sunday 1776
p. 744 Ursula Bentz age 16 White Sunday
p. 744 John Jacob Bentz age 15
White Sunday 1777
p. 745 Margaret Bentz age 14
p. 752 Susanna Benss age 18
White Sunday 1793
p. 755 Anna Maria Benss age 17 White
Sunday 1794
p. 529 Joseph Benns md Catharine Burke 1818
p. 535 Daniel B. Weiser md Matilda Bentz 1824
p. 690 John
Frey son of Tobias of Dover twp md ____ dau
of Peter Benss of same 6 Nov 1803
p. 697 John Bentz md Rebecca Laumaster 30
May 1848
p. 704 Alfred Hamme md Maria Bentz 20 Mar
p. 713 John Bentz md Eliza Ann Rutledge 27 Jan
Baptisms (date given is birth date):
p. 169 John Joseph 3 May 1790 son of Henry Benns
and Catharine
p. 174 Anna Catharine 1 Apr 1791 dau of Peter
Benss and Catharine
p. 226 Anna Maria 6 Mar 1803 dau of Berhard Benss
and Anna Maria
p. 299 Sarah
Anna 10 Mar 1819 dau of Michael Benns
and Anna
sponsers: John and
p. 312
William A. 6 Mar 1821 son of Michael Benns
and Anna
sponser: Michael
p. 367 Peter
16 Nov 1830 son of Michael Benns and Anna
p. 371 Michael 29 Dec 1830 son of John Benns and
p. 597 Anna Dehaven 13 Mar 1858 dau of William
Bentz and Amanda
p. 607 Anna Ellen 16 Sep 1859 dau of John Bentz
and Elizabeth
Prospect Hill Tombstone Inscriptions (names and dates):
p. 25 Anna
Bentz wife of Michael
d 5 Dec 1802 [ed note sic]
p. 25 Michael Bentz
; d. 2 Jan 1858
p. 61 Maria
Bentz Hamme wife of Alfred Hamme bn 5 Mar 1828 d 19 Mar
p. 61 Alfred
Hamme bn 7 Nov 1803 d 13
Apr 1893
p. 63 Julius E. Bentz son of Gideon and Julia
d 27 Aug 1839
p. 106 Ada B. Bentz bn 1854
d 1913
p. 130 Weirich Bentz d Mar 1821
p. 130 Mrs. Margaret Bentz d 9 Aug 1834
p. 199 Mary Bentz bn 4 May 1854 d 26 Jul
(she is listed under Heinrich Bentz, record above)
p. 248 John E. Bentz bn 1857 d 1922
p. 248 John Bentz bn 16 Dec 1826 d.
8 Oct 1894
p. 248 Rebecca O. Bentz (wife) bn 13 Jan
1831 d 27 Mar 1906
p. 392 Louisa C. Ricker Bentz wife of Michael
H. bn 1839 d 1873
p. 392 Michael H. Bentz bn 22 May 1823 d
14 Dec 1909
p. 396 Louisa C. Bentz bn 21 Sep 1834
d 4 Oct 1907 (wife of M. H.?)
p. 396 H. C. Bentz bn 21 Sep 1847
d 31 Jul 1931
p. 396 Jennie Chapman Bentz wife of H. C.
bn 12 Oct 1854 d 4 Nov 1898
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